//SECTION A [General Information]: Name: Trent Wood Alias: 05, Oh Fife, Holden, Trent Roblox User: Ohfife Age: 18 (5/26/2005) Race/Ethnicity: White Country/State: Texas, US City: Lewisville Discord Information: ohfife#0, 919276939024404540 Mothers House Address: 644 Evans St, Winnie, TX 77665 Fathers House Address: 316 Mcbride St, Winne TX 77665 Home Type: Large House Phone Number: +1 (469) 544-4127 Email: lolnoob0526@gmail.com Mother: Stephanie Wood Alexander Father: Blayne Wood Foreman https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.w.foreman https://www.linkedin.com/in/blayne-foreman-40b47569/ http://blaynef16@gmail.com/ http://blayne@24hr-safety.com/ //SECTION B [Detailed-Extra Information]: Threat Level: Extremely High Social Status: Middle Class Personality: Self-Centered, Disrespectful, Immature, Pitiful Photos: https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/121197738_2015624011906879_5183040244457529712_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=0Ti6JwNAAo4Ab4kmVLZ&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=00_AfDoOpqSE55bnUgQJiE2tNoW4xrmtyH8_J4YiZk0GpopgA&oe=6655F74C Summary: He's a piece of trash that saves photos of nude minors and runs around community spreading his child porn, he continues to harass the minors with threats and accusations against them within their communities. He loves to spread false rumors and accusations against minors and other people. At this point in time he's beginning to show signs of early stage pedophilia as he loves to spread around pictures of nude minors.