______________________________________________________________________________ Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jetfire4114 (aka. Luke Bono) is a morbidly obese furfag pedophile who desperately wants to be a successful Twitch streamer or any other kind of e-celeb. He is a whiny faggot who constantly wants attention and validation. He spends the majority of his time moderating Discord servers, playing Destiny 2, and jacking off to questionable things. He also loves lying and being a two-faced rat as an attempt to gain someone's approval. ______________________________________________________________________________ Reason for Dox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luke Bono has done quite a few things that warrants a dox. These are the following things he has done: 1. Almost got his entire university class expelled because they were "cheating". 2. Moderates a NSFW server with a very weak verification system. He also downloads these images, which means he could have CP on his devices. 3. Got caught looking at Gayshit Impact lolicon hentai and furry porn on Twitter. 4. Followed other furfags on Twitter who liked posts about beastiality. 5. Became a lgbt furry and played furry porn games on Steam. 6. Will obsess and stalk you if he is interested in you. 7. Lied and threw people under the bus since he gained something (praise, recognition, nudes, etc) from it. ______________________________________________________________________________ Personal Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Name: Luke Bono * Date of Birth: January 3rd, 2000 (1/3/2000) * Phone Number: 407-272-7103 * Email: laborlfl@yahoo.com * Address: 5115 Old Harbor Pt #111, Oviedo, FL, 32765 ↪ He lives in the Mystic Cove Apartments (2780 Mystic Lake Dr, Oviedo, FL 32765) * College: University of Central Florida (UCF) ↪ He is in the game design program. ______________________________________________________________________________ Social Media ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukebono * His shitty website: https://jetfire4114.github.io/Resume/ * Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/Jetfire4114 * Instagram: https://instagram.com/luke_bono103/ * Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/jetfire4114 * Discord: jetfire_ ↪ Discord ID: 406568119285317642 ↪ He frequently hangs out in the official Destiny 2 server: https://discord.com/invite/destinygame * Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198121797720 ______________________________________________________________________________ Images/Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Pictures of the faggot himself: https://pasteboard.co/o6B68l0V57OH.jpg https://pasteboard.co/2dIfmsRShN6G.jpg * His retarded furfagsona: https://pasteboard.co/jXPbHCc7kLm1.png * Examples of what he likes on Twitter: https://pasteboard.co/CEDESczS1mCA.png https://pasteboard.co/asUEzEBuRaNj.png * Caught playing a furry porn game on Steam: https://pasteboard.co/T00N6Tm5Jcw0.jpg https://pasteboard.co/ZCCx3exrU7EM.jpg * "Body positive" he's at least 500lbs: https://pasteboard.co/GMq8kvMv4pq9.jpg