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ALL of the info below was from GETTING LOGGED THROUGH OMEEGLE LMAO. This dumb shit got in the same omegle as me and I logged his shit. Your welcome for the accurate information. 
Full name: David Robinson
IP Address:
Coordinates: -75.4642/40.5885
City: Allentown
Provider: AS6079 RCN-AS
Country: United States
Region: Pennsylvania
Accuracy: 10km radius
Language(s): English, Spanish
Timezone: EST
Image of all his information above: https://postimg.cc/14Zwmmrt
Discord: Nyft#0001
Discord ID: 397569444949262336
Discord Account Creation: Tue, 02 Jan 2018 01:59:02 UTC
Discord Server: discord.gg/nyft
YouTube: @NYFTY (https://www.youtube.com/@NYFTY/featured)
Battle.net: Nyft#11409
Epic games: Nyft_TV
Instagram: nyft_tv (https://www.instagram.com/nyft_tv/)
Riot Games: Nyft#0001
Spotify: Nyft (https://open.spotify.com/user/1285451849)
Steam: Nyft (https://steamcommunity.com/id/nyft_tv/)
Twitch: nyft_tv (https://www.twitch.tv/nyft_tv)
Twitter: nyft_tv (https://twitter.com/nyft_tv)
Xbox: Nyfttt
Merch: https://nyftmerchstore.creator-spring.com/?
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/davidrno99
Guess what? David Robinson is a fat fuck and has a band by the name of "Blue Swan Records!" They make the shittiest of music. Nice one David Robinson.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BlueSwanRecords/videos
If anyone wants to go ahead and dox his whole band.