||||||||Smerf Śpioch||||||| Name: Dominika Mazur City: Jworzno/katowice Hospital adres: 45,Jaworzno szpital specjalistyczny Age: 16 IP: - Phone number: 451 079 566 Family: https://www.instagram.com/e.mazur_tsu?igsh=OGVoNDZjd3htMjNy https://www.instagram.com/m_emil00?igsh=Njc4c3M5Nzh0anEx https://www.instagram.com/karolina_mazur__?igsh=MXhpOGxiaGx6dTA4Yg== ||||||||| Photo: https://ibb.co/R3X2Gj0 https://ibb.co/Dkhd8gL □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ family information A pathological family with loans, the father doesn't work, the mother takes care of elderly people, the sister goes out of her way to contribute to the mother's bread, a funny family that will never earn enough for a peaceful life, in general, that's xd of them.