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Title:NotAlly Dox From Gh0st S0ciety
Created:Aug 28th, 2020
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 675
Comments: 2
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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An in depth look at the Instagram user NotAlly; we started investigating and we believed that it was a female at the time from all the reports saying that he had an account tagged to an account with the name Allison which was then later removed. Along the way we have investigated over 40 different suspects to this case and one of whom we thought was the culprit behind the account yet after an upload of that information people rushed to tell us with new information and underlying evidence that crossed her off as a suspect so she was let free from the investigation. At the time we had no knowledge of the videos origins and had suspected that the videos of her stroking Russian Blue cats were his, we had taken an in depth look at what was in the environment shown within the videos and pictures identifying them with what we believed was his. As of writing this it was over 24 hours ago that we had come across multiple of the cat killing videos online, the 2 first videos we were unable to determine if they were real or fake yet as of the majority of videos were from sources that go back as far as 6 years old we believe that all the videos have to be fake at the time of this investigation we had believed that some of them were real yet regardless if they were real or fake we were dedicated to finding this person. An Associate who joined in with helping taking down NotAlly he goes by the alias "wiretap", he managed to guess the email based on information he had received from the youtuber "Dogaholic Youtube", this youtuber was following up on the calista case and they just happened to be intertwined. Wiretap then found the emails password in the "Data Viper" databreach which is apart of an Estonian forum. As of Wiretap getting access to the account he had found that the phone number was different so this clarified that not only was NotAlly using throw away emails but she was using throw away numbers as well so this has discredited NotAlly being in Romania. From the information gathered by Wiretap we are to believe that NotAlly is actually a male posing as a female to fool people, is 16 years old and lives in Estonia. His full name, date of birth, location, etc will be sent to Law Enforcement including that of the Canada Police Service, you will not see his sensitive information below. I hope to see that in the next 24-48 hours that Law Enforcement do make a statement about this yet if they don't then that is okay! We will be here for time to come. Name: - [Redacted] Age: - 16 Throw Away Email: - calista@protonmail.com Throw Away Phone Numbers: - +40799569903 - +14582071186 Date Of Birth: - [Redacted], 2004 Location: - [Redacted] Estonia Alias: - Not Ally - notallystreamer - notallyislive - runelike - _runelike_ - Calista - _runelike - runelike_ - runelike._ - n_ot_all_y Interests: - 100% attention seeking - Possibly Anime - Other Languages - Cryptography Timezone: - GMT +3 Why does he do what he does?: - Adrenaline - Attention Seeking - Split Personality Disorder Some Of The Sources Where The Videos Were Taken From: - https://www.shockgore.com/watch/a-man-explodes-the-head-of-a-very-young-kitten-and-kill-him-for-nothing-just-for-his-own-pleasure_39vITUxAUiIRvDU.html - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19eC0kn0OWc Credits: - Wiretap, Gh0st S0ciety, Nisaa, Meeseeks, Pigeon, Binary, Reincarnate, Echo, Crashbandicootiscute, Dogaholic and lots more! Special thanks to the community as well! Written By: - Gh0st Cyt0pl4sm PS: - I sincerely do apologise for the mistakes we made during this case and I take full responsibility for mine and my teams actions during this case, we did make many mistakes during this - And we will do our best to ensure that we don't make any more mistakes! This is the first time that a lot of us have worked together to gather the info that we have gathered, - Thank You all! If this wasn't for wiretap I don't think we would of closed this case as soon as we did. You can contact wiretap on discord: wiretap#1111 You can also contact the team: https://discord.gg/ZrRJfuy We are working on a good name so if you have any ideas you can tell us! `````.-`` ` ```` `` ```` :shd. ` `-ho:` `` ```:s+oh- ` ``` :ho+/. ` `` .so:sy- `` ```` ``-ys:+:```` ` ` `/y++hs.` `` ``.yy+++` ``` .ss+oho` ``` ` ` `sho/+-` ` ` `yy+syo` ` ` ` ` ` ` ``` `oys+s: `oh++yy` ` `./`` ` `:.``` ``` .yy++y- ```-h+o/d- ` `-yy`` ` `ys- ` `` :d/o+o` ` `+h+/oy `` `` ` :sy:``` `/ys- `` ` `ho+/s:`` ` `yo/-y+ ` `/+s+`` ` `+o+:` ``` oy:///``` `` .d+--h/ ` `.+/o+` `` ``o++/` ` ` /h--:+. ` `` `` ` -mo-:d: ` `` ````:o:oy`` `yo:o- ` :h:-:o. `` ` `` ` ``` `.:o/hy//d/` ``` ``/s:sy- ` -ho/s:`` /d///+/+-.` ```` `.:+/+yo.sd+/y+ ` `oo:sh-` `-ho:o+` +h/+o/.sy+//-`` ` ` ``-+/-./o-``+Ns+oy `` `-o+:yy. ` `` -hs:+o.` so/s+/``:o:.:+/.``` `` ```/y/`-/:``` :mo//d` ```-o/:ys.`` .ys:+o-` ` `d+/o+:` `+/.`/y:`` `` ` ` `+s+`/o- ``` -m+/-y/ `:o/:yo`` ` .ss-/o-` :y-/+/- ````-o:`+s/`` ` ``oos::s`` ` .d/:..s` `/o/:s+`` ```oo:/o/```s-./-/.``` `.s:-so+` ` +ys+-o. `` .h::-`:+:o+//o/` ``+o:/++-+/`.:./. `` -o-+sy/` ` -hos-+/` ``` .y::--`/o///d:` ```/h/+/o/`--:-+. ````//:soh. ` ` `o+oo.o.``` `` .s/-:/``:o+d:` ` ```/d/s:``::-:+. `` .o.oo+o` ` :+/y::s ` .y/-:+`.:/h+`` `sh/:`.+:-/+. `` `s::y/+- ` ` `++/y-/: -s/-.s`/:oy. ` .y+::`s..+/- ` /+-y/+/` `++:o.h- `+o+.`o-+.h-` `` `:y-+-s`.+/: ```` -h.o/++` `++:/.d. ```o//-`//-++ ``o/-:+`.///````` ` .d./:++`` ` ` `++/:.d. `.o-:.`/-:s ```s::/`.::+```` ` .d.:+++`` ``` `+o+-.h- -s-/../.+: /+./../-/.`` ` -h.-+o+` ` ` :s/-.o+`` ``./+:y-+.-/.s- :s./..+-/./:.`` ` oo.-/o:` `` -s--.+//+oyyhd/:y-o..+.o. `` .o.+..o-/.omyyso/:/+.--s- ` ` :h++ydmy+:/oo.`-y-s--y.+.` ` ``.+.y--s-+``-oo//oddds+/y: ` ````/o+oyy+:/os+-` -h-o-.d-+`` ` ``.+-d.:s:/ -os+-:oys++o:` ` ` `-o+s+/ooso/o- ` -h-+:.y+o. ` .o+h`:+:+` ``.o/oyo+/oy+o. `` `` /y::so-``.::++-``-h-s/:/oh: `` -yo/:/s-+.``./+::.``:os:/s/ `` `oo--./+:-`.://+/shoo+:./y+ ```` ` +h+.:+ooy+++//:.`.::/.::+s. ````-+o+--os+-..///://-.``.:y/`````` ` :y/.`..-:/:///.`-/ss:-/+o:`` ` ```.+sho/::::-.-/:/+o/-...o+. ` `/s..`-/++///-..-:::/oyyo-```` ` ```-/ohyso++/:..`.-/++:`:+.`` `` ` ``` .+/`-++/:-...-:/++oyhs+:``` ` ``:+syhyyys+:.``./so/s/``` ` `:o/+o+-``.-/oyyyyyyo/.` ` ``` ```.:+osyyyso:.``:+oys.` ` ` ` `.ohso/.``-+syyyyso:-`````` ` ` ` ` ``.:oyyo/++-`.///+o:``` ` `` `` ` ``` ` `-oo///-`.+o+oyyo/-`` ``` ` ` ``./sy/-//--://+ss-` ` ` ` ` `` ``.os+//:--/+:/oo:.``` ` `` ` `-+s+:-:::/:/oh+` ` ``.`` ```.` ` ` ``/hs/:::::-:/o/-` ` `` `` `.+yy:.:::::+yh-`` `:yh` ` ` `hs-```` `-yh+:::::.:ss/`` ` `./hs-./::::+h+`` ` .+oh: ``` `` /ho+. `` `/yo::::/-.oy/````` .oh/-+:::-:ss``` :s-o+ ``` ````++:s- ```os/-:-:+-:s+. ` ` ``-so:+/:/`-/s:`-h/-o` ` ` ``s.+h. -s/-.:::+:+o.`` ` ` `` ````os:o-:...-s+ss-s. ` ` .o-sy/s:.../-o:s+` ` `` `os/o.:.///s::-o `` ` o-//y+:/.:.+/so` ` `` ``so++.--/:.:-/: `` ` ``` ::-:.:/-../++h. `` .s/+/..//`/-o: ` `` ` ` :o-/`//../+/y- ``` ``:o+::`-.`+-s: `` `` ```` ` ` :s-+`--`://o/` ` ` ```++/:./.`/:+:``` ````.-:/+ooo+/:-.```` ` ```:+:+`./.:/+s` ` `` ``` `s+/-+-.:+:s::::/+oosyhyo:-::-/+osyo++/:-://s:+:.-+./+h. `hy-::-.o-o:-../:--:--.```:: ``.-:::://-.-:s-o.:::-sd-` ```:m+./.::+-o-/`.-::::-::.`::`-:--::::-.`:-o-/::./.+m+` ` `sh.:/`--////.-`.:-::.`` ::` `.:/:/:.-`///::-.::.hy` `` :d:./-`-::+/-`` `.`` ` -//: ` ``.. `.-/+::-`./`:d: `` `-d+:+o///-` ``...```` .--.`````````````-+:://:+m:` ` ` `oooo::+`````:/-...--::`.--.`::-:---::`` ```+//o++h- `` ` /o:: `:`-`-..o. `` ``.-+++/:.` ````:-`.-`-.- `/-os ` ` `s-//oh+ `/:/-:` ` `` //````` ` `:`/:/` /s+:/:m` ` ` h/y.+Nm` -oo.:` ` ``` ` // `` `:.+o- `dN+-s/m``` ``` dos`/mm. `/+--. ```` `` /+ ` `` ` .--o+` .mm/`s/m` ` `` ` .sh+o`/dh.``:-:.-` ```` `` ++ `` ``` ` -.:-:` -mh/`o/dy. ` ``s+/y-:dm` .--+`-`` `` `` ++ ` ` ` ``-.+--` .my:.o-sh.`` ` +hy/-md```---.-`` ` `` ++ ```` ``-.--.` `dd:/:os` `` ``:hyo.d+``:--.--`.````` ` ++ ```` ``.`--.---` om/s+y: ` ` .ysy:y- -:------.-``. `` +/ ``.``-..-:---:- -mos/s.``` `/hsso` `:-::--:````` ` /: ` .` ``:--::-:`.`sy+y/` ` `o:+:```:::`-:: ` .` ` :- ` `. ::-`::: .`:s+h` `` `-s:---.-..:-.+. ` . -- ` ` `-+--:....-`/sd.``` `+h/`---:o:..--o.`` `` ` :: `` ``.+.--./s::.`-+y: .++/:/+:..:`:+s-````` ` :: `` ` ``-o/:`:-.-//-:/+. `` ```/dyhdh-.:-oso.:oo++o-`:: .///o+:`+so.:..ydhhdy.` ` ` .hyyhh+ ./oshyyhhho:oooo++-ydmdsooso:-`+dNhhN: .hssydy..-+s:ooy/.`.+.--./.`:oh+s-s+..`smdydd. `.hysoyyho+-s:::/s. -ysossh-`.s+:+:s-+oyymsshh. `.yhssoodssos/.-.+o`.ysoysh`.s+.:-/so+sdyyoyoo. ` .s/ss+/sshooo.:``//`+yosyo`++``:`sooso+o+so-+. `` `o-:s/://soyy/-.`.s:/hysh/-o.`..:yssy:--:o-.+` ` `+/`/+-///sosh--``-yymddmos-``-.y+ooo.-./+.:/` ``` -/-/:/ss+sh+hs..``-sddyhs:` .-+++ys+++:/o-/: ` ` `so+o-.-+ssssd/`.``.-----` -:ooysy+-.-//oo` ` ` `:-``` `/ysoyy.-::-`...:/-.-ooyyy/``` `::. ` ``` ``-oyo+oo/:+///++::oo+osy-`` ` ` `` ``` `` -sos+` `/ss+` .oyos:``` ` ` ` `` `` `.hos:``.os-. :syh.`` ` -d+h/..`++`:`+yoy` `` .hsy+.:.::`.`syoo` `:ys+.-`:: .+os-`` .:y/` :: /+-` `` `` -ho/sy:+s` `` `` .::---.` ` ``` `
4 years ago
4 years ago