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Name: Nicolas Ramon

Likes to mentally, verbally, and physically abuse woman. 
He also likes to make threats to others mainly women and claims "He's Him". 
Makes fun of dead animals and also threatens to hurt other animals. 

Phone number: (325)450-7654

Age: 19

pictures of him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1177391519758569473/1214011997612670996/IMG_7956.jpg?ex=65f78fc7&is=65e51ac7&hm=682363108a65d6446d4b4704d944d386908edbff025697746ee6d33ebd58fb2a& 

Address: 105 Native Dancer St, Ozona, TX 76943 
House info: Tax History
Year	Taxes	Land	added to	Additions	equals	Total assessments         
2022	$610	$1,900	+	$30,630	=	$32,530
2021	$682	$1,900	+	$31,050	=	$32,950
2020	$704	$1,900	+	$32,330	=	$34,230
2019	$712	$1,900	+	$32,330	=	$34,230
2018	$625	-	+	-	=	$29,040
2017	$600	-	+	-	=	$29,040
2016	$505	$1,900	+	$24,500	=	$26,400
2015	$422	$1,900	+	$24,500	=	$26,400
2014	$389	$1,900	+	$24,500	=	$26,400
2013	$558	$3,810	+	$32,810	=	$36,620
2012	$540	$3,810	+	$32,810	=	$36,620
2011	$544	$3,810	+	$32,800	=	$36,610 

1 bath


1,260 square feet

8,276sqft lot

8,276 square foot lot

105 Native Dancer, Ozona, TX 76943
Property type


Additional Storage

Exterior Home Features
Parking & Garage
Parking: Carport

Lot Information
Lot Area: 8276 sqft
House picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1106391256399102084/1214005056324763710/IMG_7990.jpg?ex=65f78950&is=65e51450&hm=0a43461a464354977281169de61d4df21f7dbbb37adf44f590d2b6de019e0935&

Still lives with his mother that promotes his behavior.