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This is Noah, known for grooming a 13 year old boy and lying about being 17 when he did it (as if that makes it any better)

FULL NAME: Noah Strozeski 

ADDRESS: 7212 Bluebill St, Clay, MI 48001-4104

PHONE NUMBERS: +1 (810) 794-8908 

DOB: August 21, 2004

JOB: ScoreBoard N More Group LLC


DISCORD: strozy
ROBLOX: https://www.roblox.com/users/170838010/profile (MrStrozy)
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQzLITw18sfAfdewJTuCK6w
TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/str0z2222
He privated/deleted the rest of his social media.


DADS OBITUARY: https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/st-clair-shores-mi/michael-strozeski-7461117 (RIP)

DAD: Michael Strozeski Dead as of June 25, 2017
GRANDMA: Elane Strozeski Dead as of June 25, 2017
UNCLE: Paul Strozeski Dead as of June 25, 2017
MOM: Shelly Strozeski
SISTER: Kylee Strozeski