This motherfucker started doing basic things to get doxed~! But anyway he deserves 2nd chance  =
Nikita Seleznev is an average ruzzian kid doxer who felt that he would remain anonymous        = yeah yeah yeah really anonymous? we don't think so :999
This gay has strong cock addiction so he fell in love with Daniel Grobert,another dxed kid here= wait, isn't LGBT banned in this terrorist state?
My team laughed so hard when we found out who this guy really was. This fking story is so funny= Just imagine doxing ukrainians,being fucking femboy and living in ruzzia at this time. It's crazy -0-0-
My team hopes that this gay really regrets what he did to our friends. Let's begin to the dox! = This dox must help the people who is fighting against him. No doubt, he has enemies at the moment (-)_(-)
CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT!CONTEXT= This dox won't include all info that we found. But if he'll continue, we'll immeditealy upload full dox 
================================================================================================            WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU LEAVE ALL SOCIAL NETWORKS SO YOU DON'T MAKE SOME OOPSIE THERE :)

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Date of Birth: 28th of August
NotFull Name: Nikita Seleznev. #This isn't full dox, will be published in case if he won't stop
City: Novokuznetsk, Zavodskoy district
Home address: street Toreza, 91, 3rd floor
Maps: https://yandex.ru/maps/geo/novokuznetsk/53118096/?l=sat%2Cskl%2Cstv%2Csta&ll=87.158036%2C53.820990&panorama%5Bdirection%5D=352.053182%2C29.598436&panorama%5Bfull%5D=true&panorama%5Bpoint%5D=87.159190%2C53.820712&panorama%5Bspan%5D=113.894133%2C60.000000&rl=87.157629%2C53.821121&z=19
Emails: nikitasuper636463763@gmail.com
School: №49
His class teacher phone number: +7 951 596 8987 #Elizaveta Antonovskaya
Phone number: +7 923 470 9041

I think we've gone so far so we decided to stop. In any case you should've been thinking about your privacy instead of spamming that you're safe, Nikita. 
Don't do shit anymore! Else Natali will be famous too :)

Слава Україні! Героям слава!
By Chornobaivka UA Team and people who knows that doing bad stuff will lead to bad consequences