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 |_| \_|_|\___\___/|_|\___| |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  \___\___|_|_|\___| |_|   \___|_| |_|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |\__\___/|_| |_|
                                                                                                 __/ |               
============================================================================ Context ============================================================================
This fat psycho bitch thinks none of her shit stinks, likes to "expose" men, women, AND > children < to which she is hypocritical for and deserves a downfall for!
Not only does she abuse children, abuse others due to her own mental status she physically enjoys threatening the lives of others just for her own pleasure. This
"sadistic" bitch thinks she can play with peoples lives without any repercussions so here goes nothing. Welcome to RCA1 bitch :)

========================================================================== Disclaimer ===========================================================================
All of the information included in this DOX is public info and due to state / county regulations follows all legal laws of information components.
Please contact our group leaders directly for any questions or information leading to us taking this compiled public information down.

First Names: Nick, Nicole
Middle Name: Marcelle
Last Name: Pennington (maiden: Sevier)
Age: 48 
DOB : Jan, 1976

Full Home Address: 85 Dogwood Trail, London, KY 40741

Email Address(s): lady_atlantis@hotmail.com, elixirmaster@themadalchemist.com, tiktokbackgroundcheck@gmail.com

Phone #:
(606) 231-1793 (Primary Phone)
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - GA
First reported October 2012
(606) 231-1774
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - GA
First reported February 2018
(606) 658-2224
Time Warner Cable Information Services (Kentucky) LLC dba Time Warner Cable - KY
First reported August 2010
(606) 231-6308
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - GA
First reported January 2012
(606) 598-8539
Windstream Kentucky East Inc - London
First reported April 2000
(606) 862-6619
Windstream Kentucky East Inc - London
First reported May 2011
(606) 657-5644
Time Warner Cable Information Services (Kentucky) LLC dba Time Warner Cable - KY
First reported December 2013
(606) 598-7044
Windstream Kentucky East Inc - London
First reported September 2000

Social Media(s):
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/twotrickpony1496
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twotrick
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@twotrick_pony
Youtube: www.youtube.com/@twotrick_pony
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Twotrickpony

Alchemist Vape Shop
Address: 119 Childers Dr, London, KY 40741
Small business ‧ Vaporizer store in London, Kentucky
10am-6pm daily (closed on Sundays)
Phone: (606) 877-1483

Tiktok Background Check
man come on :')


Mom's Full Name: Wanda Sevier (maiden: Simon)
Age: 65
DOB: Dec, 1958

Full Home Address: 3351 Cove Lake Dr, Unit 46 Lexington, KY 40515

Email Address(s): bluangell23@hotmail.com

Phone #:
(606) 599-9863 (Primary Phone)
Windstream Kentucky East Inc - London
First reported June 2011
(606) 598-7601
Windstream Kentucky East Inc - London
First reported August 2010
(606) 596-0608
Windstream Kentucky East Inc - London
First reported December 2015
(606) 599-8854
Windstream Kentucky East Inc - London
First reported December 2015
(606) 598-7133
Windstream Kentucky East Inc - London
First reported January 2012
(859) 491-1559
Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC
First reported October 2004
(859) 491-1902
Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC
First reported January 1996
(606) 491-1902
First reported March 2016
(606) 491-9177
First reported March 2016
(859) 491-9177
Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC
First reported March 2016

Social Media(s):
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hottimeinthecity


Dad's Full Name: Mike Sevier
Daddies Address: HAHA HES DEADDDDD :)))
Age: 0000 however hell does ages down there
DOB: looool


Brother's Full Name: Jody Michael Sevier
Current Address: Tartarus
Age: shot up
DOB: Good thing dental records can be found! 


Imagine being fat and ugly and still getting beamed by the Holy hand of your "stalker"

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