|  \  |  \                                        
| $$\ | $$  ______  __     __   ______    ______  
| $$$\| $$ /      \|  \   /  \ /      \  /      \ 
| $$$$\ $$|  $$$$$$\\$$\ /  $$|  $$$$$$\|  $$$$$$\
| $$\$$ $$| $$    $$ \$$\  $$ | $$  | $$| $$  | $$
| $$ \$$$$| $$$$$$$$  \$$ $$  | $$__/ $$| $$__/ $$
| $$  \$$$ \$$     \   \$$$    \$$    $$ \$$    $$
 \$$   \$$  \$$$$$$$    \$      \$$$$$$   \$$$$$$ 

Email: nevoofrr@gmail.com
Password: $illyMoney38

address: 600 N Clark St,Chicago IL

Name: Angel Gonzalez

Brother's name aka R4NDOM:Miguel Gonzalez

Parent's names: Something gonzalez

Discord username: nevjust 
Discord id: 806706548365459475
Brother's discord name: bananos.
Brother's discord id: 602150578935562250
Join pakk today https://discord.gg/ghK2gec49g
Face Reveal: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1180361367685967983/1180732645102059581/RenderedImage.jpg
Phone Number: +1 (224) 342-9353
Reason of dox: selfish retard who uses people and is a asshole to users who stands up for themselves, and this person is a pervert + faggot.
 _______    ______   __    __  __    __         ______   __    __  ________   ______   _______  
|       \  /      \ |  \  /  \|  \  /  \       /      \ |  \  |  \|        \ /      \ |       \ 
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| $$      | $$  | $$| $$ \$$\ | $$ \$$\       | $$__/ $$| $$ \$$$$   | $$   | $$__/ $$| $$      
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 \$$       \$$   \$$ \$$   \$$ \$$   \$$        \$$$$$$  \$$   \$$    \$$     \$$$$$$  \$$      

Credits to starryx for art.