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                                                                     Introduction  Persona  Personal Info  Network  Socials  Other


Nano, aka. Christian Hundiburg runs a server promoted for cheating. Recently Nano made attempts to exit scam this product and shift ownership onto somebody else because he can't manage it. (Despite people paying for it)


Aliases:                                                                                                    Contributions:

Nano		   PoggersYT	  Nan01337           goodDeathslayer999      n1337testing                   Programmer - @GitHub
deathslayer999     Pogerrs        Nano1337           psauxx                  N0x256                         Exploit Developer - @Rune, @Gaypex, @Vibingcloud, @Madsploit, @Hellfire Client, @Nanosec Remade

Personal Info

Name: Christian Hundiburg                Emails: christianhudiburg@gmail.com (Main Email)                   Passwords:
Age: 18                                          christianhudibug@gmail.com (Alternative Email)             deathslayer999
Address: Texas (wip)                             proxysec@fbi.systems (Alternative Email)
Phone Number(s): 972-XXX-3684                    n1337testing@protonmail.com (Alternative Email)
Religion: Christianity                           kobcheatsinc@gmail.com (Secondary Email)
                                                 nhilperte_r138e@bylup.com (tempmail.ninja)
                                                 n1337testing@proton.me (Alternative Email) (Jacked)

His face can be found on Snapchat https://www.snapchat.com/add/n0x256


IPs:                               Devices: - Dynamic              Windows Device: HPLAPTOP-FM5MM69M\Nano - Static           Windows Device: nano@LAPTOP-VST11OGV, proxy_wznyw5h@LAPTOP-VST11OGV
                                   Linux Device: nano@l4tt
                                   Android Device: nano@localhost


Partial Accounts:

Telegram -  https://t.me/uscan_updates                                       Twitter - https://twitter.com/ps_aux_
HackerOne - https://hackerone.com/psauxx?type=user                           Twitter 2 - https://twitter.com/christi62922796
PayPal -    https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/psauxx                           Piped.video - https://piped.video/channel/UCWdoR37kLiGunLrHL-pRLYA
Snapchat -  https://www.snapchat.com/add/psauxx                              Keybase.io - https://keybase.io/N0x256
Snapchat 2 - https://www.snapchat.com/add/n0x256                             Keybase.io 2 - https://keybase.io/deathslayer999
Cfx.re - https://forum.cfx.re/u/N0x256/summary                               Github 2 - https://github.com/l4tt
Github -    https://github.com/l4tt                                          Github 3 - https://yhype.me/github/@psauxx?tab=followings
Deleted Github - https://github.com/Nano1337824                              Tenor - https://tenor.com/users/n1337testing
Picsart - https://picsart.com/u/n1337testing                                 Cracked.io - https://cracked.io/n1337testing
Cracked.io 2 - https://cracked.io/nano1337                                   Cracked.io 3 - https://cracked.io/Nan01337
Cracked.io 4 - https://cracked.io/Deathslayer999                             Minecraft - https://namemc.com/profile/PoggersYT.1
StreamElements - https://streamelements.com/PoggersYT                        PokemonShowdown - https://pokemonshowdown.com/users/PoggersYT
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@poggersyt4215                             BlackSpigot - https://blackspigot.com/members/deathslayer999.86783/
Smule - https://www.smule.com/deathslayer999



Username: deathslayer999
Password: deathslayer999

Username: deathslayer999
Password: deathslayer999

Disclaimer: Do not harrass, stalk or intimidate anybody mentioned in this doxx.

CR: https://pastebin.com/raw/7XSfawcm

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