Dox by Etqz🍀🖤 Name: Audrianna Honsman Age: 17 Address: 506 W Washington St, Rushville, IL 6268 Emergency Contact: Parent Name (+1 (555) 987-6543) School Information: - School Name: Rushville High School - Grade: 11th Medical Information: - Allergies: Pollen, Peanuts - Medications: Allergy Meds - Blood Type: A+ Physical Details: - Height: 5’5” - Weight: 125 lbs - Hair Color: Brunette - Eye Color: Hazel # Personal Information personal_info = { "Name": "Audrianna Honsman", "Age": 17, "Gender": "Female", "Marital Status": "Single", "Ethnicity": "No Data", "Nationality": "American", "Languages Spoken": ["English"], "Address": { "Street": "506 W Washington St", "City": "Rushville", "State": "IL", "Zip": "62681", "Country": "United States" }, ], "Emails": [ "", "" ] } # Online Profiles online_profiles = { "Spokeo": "", "TikTok": "", "Youtube": "", "Facebook": "", "Twitter": "", # ... Add other profiles similarly } # Property Information property_info = { "Type": "Single Family Residence", "Heating": "No Data", "Cooling": "No Data", "Parking": { "Type": "No Data", "Spaces": 0 }, "Lot": { "Size": "No Data", "Features": ["No Data"] }, "Parcel Number": "0725434002", "Year Built": "No Data", "Property Tax History": { "2022": {"Property Taxes": "$3,175", "Tax Assessment": "$42,530"}, "2021": {"Property Taxes": "$2,942", "Tax Assessment": "$39,511"}, # ... Add other years similarly } } # IP Information ip_info = { "IP Address": "", "Hostname": "", "ISP": "MTC Communications, Inc.", "Location": { "City": "Macomb", "State": "Illinois", "Zip Code": "61455", "Country": "United States" }, "Network Details": { "Range": " -", "Speed": "DSL", "Ports": [8159], "Protocols": ["8159/HTTP"] }, "Blacklist Check": {"Status": "POSSIBLY SAFE 0/115"}, "Geolocation": { "Coordinates": {"Latitude": 40.4592, "Longitude": -90.6718}, "Continent": "North America", "Country Flag": "" }, "Autonomous System": { "AS Name": "MTCCOMM, US", "AS Number": 14363, "Description": "MTCCOMM", "Domain Name": "", "Routed Prefix": "", "Country Code": "US" }, "Subnets Information": [ { "Address": "", "Network": "", "Netmask": "", "Broadcast": "", "Wildcard Mask": "", "Hosts Bits": 8, "Max Hosts": 254, "Host Range": " -" } ], "Whois Information": [ { "ASN Registry": "arin", "ASN": 14363, "ASN CIDR": "", "ASN Country Code": "US", "ASN Date": "1999-11-29", "ASN Description": "MTCCOMM US", # ... Add other Whois details } ] } # Email Verification Results email_verification = { "": { "Domain Verdict": "Valid", "Score": 0.92803, "MX Servers": [ "MX: 20", "MX: 40", # ... Add other MX servers ] # Email Verification Results (Extended) email_verification = { "": { "Domain Verdict": "Valid", "Score": 0.92803, "MX Servers": [ "MX: 20", "MX: 40", # ... Add other MX servers ], "Verification Details": { # ... Existing details "Additional Information": { "Profile Image": "", "Profile Bio": "Aspiring artist and tech enthusiast. Living life to the fullest!", "Website": "", "Phone Number": "+1 555-1234", "Education": { "School": "Rushville High School", "Graduation Year": 2023, "Major": "Fine Arts" }, "Work Experience": { "Position": "Intern", "Company": "Creative Innovations Studio", "Duration": "Summer 2022" }, "Hobbies": ["Painting", "Coding", "Music"], "Interests": ["Art Exhibitions", "Technology Conferences", "Digital Marketing"], "Recent Achievements": [ "Featured Artist at Local Gallery (January 2024)", "Coding Competition Finalist (2023)" ], # ... Add more details as needed } } }, "": { "Domain Verdict": "Valid", "Score": 0.92142, "MX Servers": [ "MX: 30", "MX: 40", # ... Add other MX servers ], "Verification Details": { # ... Existing details "Additional Information": { "Profile Image": "", "Profile Bio": "Passionate about literature and social activism. Advocate for equality.", "Website": "", "Phone Number": "+1 555-5678", "Education": { "School": "Rushville High School", "Graduation Year": 2023, "Major": "Literature" }, "Work Experience": { "Position": "Volunteer Coordinator", "Organization": "Social Change Initiative", "Duration": "2022-present" }, "Hobbies": ["Reading", "Writing", "Community Service"], "Interests": ["Literature Festivals", "Social Justice Campaigns", "Environmental Conservation"], "Recent Achievements": [ "Published Poem in Local Magazine (December 2023)", "Community Service Award (2022)" ], # ... Add more details as needed } } } } # Backend Information backend_information = { "Server": { "Hostname": "backend-server-1", "IP Address": "", "Operating System": "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS", "Server Software": "Nginx 1.18.0", "Database": { "Type": "PostgreSQL", "Version": "13.3", "Connection Pooling": True }, "Backend Framework": "Django 3.2.4", "Load Balancer": { "Type": "HAProxy", "IP Address": "" }, "Firewall": { "Type": "UFW", "Status": "Enabled" }, "Monitoring": { "System Health": "Stable", "Alerts": { "CPU Usage": "Normal", "Memory Usage": "Normal", "Disk Space": "80% full" }, "Logs": { "Access Logs": "/var/log/nginx/access.log", "Error Logs": "var/log/nginx/error.log" } } }, "API Version": "v1.0", "Endpoints": [ { "Endpoint": "/users", "Methods": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"], "Authentication": True, "Rate Limiting": "1000 requests per hour", "Description": "User-related operations" }, { "Endpoint": "/products", "Methods": ["GET", "POST"], "Authentication": True, "Rate Limiting": "500 requests per hour", "Description": "Product-related operations" }, # ... Add more endpoints as needed ], "Database Schema": { "User": { "Fields": ["id", "username", "email", "created_at", "updated_at"], "Relations": { "Products": "One-to-Many (user_id in Products table)" } }, "Product": { "Fields": ["id", "name", "price", "user_id", "created_at", "updated_at"], "Relations": { "User": "Many-to-One (user_id references Users table)" } }, # ... Add more tables as needed } } # Combine All Information combined_information = { "Email Verification": email_verification, "IP Information": further_ip_information, "Geolocation Information": geolocation_information, "Autonomous System Information": autonomous_system_information, "Subnets Information": subnets_information, "Blacklist Check Results": blacklist_check_results, "Whois Information": whois_information, "IPVoid Geolocation Information": ipvoid_geolocation_information, "Backend Information": backend_information } # Extended Address Information extended_address_info = { "Street": "506 W Washington St", "City": "Rushville", "State": "Illinois", "Zip Code": "62681", "Region": "Rushville", "Property Type": "SingleFamily", "Heating": "No Data", "Cooling": "No Data", "Parking": "No Data", "Lot": "No Data", "Property Year": "No Data", # Add specific year if available "Property Taxes": { "2022": {"Tax Amount": "$3,175", "Increase": "+7.9%"}, "2021": {"Tax Amount": "$2,942", "Increase": "+5.4%"}, "2020": {"Tax Amount": "$2,790", "Increase": "+1.1%"}, "2019": {"Tax Amount": "$2,761", "Increase": "-0.7%"}, "2018": {"Tax Amount": "$2,781", "Increase": "0%"}, # ... Add other tax year details }, "Property Construction": { "Type": "SingleFamily", "Community": "Rushville", "Location": { "Region": "Rushville", "City": "Macomb", "District": "McDonough", "State": "Illinois", "State Code": "IL", "Zip Code": "61455", "Country Name": "United States of America", }, }, "Geolocation": { "City": "Macomb", "District": "McDonough", "State": "Illinois", "State Code": "IL", "Zip Code": "61455", "Country Name": "United States of America", "Coordinates": {"Latitude": 40.4592, "Longitude": -90.6718}, "Offset": -18000, "Currency": "USD", "Timezone": "Central Standard Time (CST)[UTC-6]", "Summer Daylight Savings Time": "Central Daylight Time (CDT)[UTC-5]", "Country Flags": {"Country Flag": ""}, "Country Code": "US", "Country Calling Code": "1", "Continent": "North America", "Continent Code": "NA", }, "Autonomous System": { "AS Name": "MTCCOMM, US", "AS Number": 14363, "Description": "MTCCOMM", "Registry": "arin", "Domain Name": "", "Routed Prefix": "", "Country Code": "US", }, }