First Name: Zachary Last Name: Dallmeyer-Drennen ---------------------------------------------- Phone Number: +1 (585) 746-5424 E-mail Address: E-mail Password*: zdd300243 *This is the most recently leaked password for said e-mail address and could very well be inaccurate. Still worth a shot though. :p ---------------------------------------------- Address: 1441 Rhode Island Ave NW, Washington, DC Apartment Unit #: 111 IP: ---------------------------------------------- Occupation: "LGBT Consultant" at Media Matters for America (MMFA) MMFA Phone #s: - +1 (202) 772-8195 for "press inquiries" - +1 (202) 756-4100 for "general inquiries" MMFA Mailing Address: PO Box 44811, Washington, DC 20026