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                   -"           ^""**$$$e.                        Allies Donuts, we're back :) Matt, you and your business will meet your end if you do not apologize publicly to our fallen heroes that you shit on
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Matt (Main Owner): 
Main Address: 1364 Stony Ln
North Kingstown RI 02852-2910

Home Phone Line: (401) 295-5821
Cell Phone: 401-374-9981
Email(s): Dresch@aol.com, Brblybob1@aol.com
IP Address - (AT&T)

Anne Renae ... AKA his mom:
Cell: (401) 295-5821
Age: 61

Rhode Island Address: 1364 Stony Ln
North Kingstown RI 02852-2910
FL Residence: 272 Waterview Dr
Polk City FL 33868-8923

Our dearest Matthew. We know you are hurting mentally, to the point where your own mother is revolting against you, which is why we are very nonchalantly requesting for you apologize at your own discretion to the people that fought and lost loved ones while fighting for our country

We have classified information and documentation on you and your business. We are simply just scraping the surface, hoping you get the memo. If you don't give the people what they want. Consequences will be served in honor of the confederacy.