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Title:MasterJake LA5TS3C
Created:Nov 22nd, 2020
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 258
Comments: 3
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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.--------------------. | v1su4l was here <3 | '--------------------' `.-::/++++++++/::-.`` `-/oyhmNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNmdyo/-` `-+sdNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNdy+-` .+ymNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNmy+-` -odNMMMMMMMMMMMNmhys+/::--....--::/+oyhmNMMMMMMMMMMMNdo-` .+hNMMMMMMMMMNds+:.`` ``.:+sdmMMMMMMMMMNh+. -smMMMMMMMMMds:.` `.:omMMMMMMMMMms-` -yNMMMMMMMMMMMy` -dMMMMMMMMMMMNy:` -yNMMMMMMMMMMMMMNo `yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNy- .omMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN/ `oNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmo. :hMMMMMMNhoNMMMNdNMMMm- /NMMMmhNMMMmoyNMMMMMMd: `+mMMMMMMd/`-NMMMd-oNMMMh. :mMMMm/.hMMMm-`/dMMMMMMmo` .sNMMMMMNs. -NMMMd.`yMMMMy` /+` .hMMMNo``hMMMm- .oNMMMMMNy. .yMMMMMMd/` `.oNMMMd. .hMMMNo` :mN/ `yMMMMs` `hMMMNo.` :dMMMMMMh. .hMMMMMMh-`-+hmMMMMMd. -dMMMN/ -dMMm- `oNMMMh. `hMMMMMmh+-`-hMMMMMMh. `yMMMMMMd+odNMMMMMMMMd. /mMMMm: .hMMMMh. /mMMMd- `hMMMMMMMMNho+hMMMMMMy. `oMMMMMMMNNMMMMNmmMMMMd. +NMMMh. `sMMMMMMy` -dMMMm/ `hMMMNdmNMMMMNNMMMMMMMs` /NMMMMMMMMMMNds:.+MMMMd. `sMMMMy` +NMMMMMMNo` .hMMMN+ `hMMMN:.:odNMMMMMMMMMMN/ .hMMMMMMMNmh+-` +NMMMd. .yMMMNo` /mMMMhhMMMN/ `sMMMMs` `hMMMm: `-+hmNMMMMMMMd. +NMMMMMds/. /NMMMd. -dMMMN/ -mMMMd-.hMMMm: +NMMMh. `hMMMm- ./smMMMMMN+ `hMMMMMd- /NMMMd. :mMMMm: .hMMMm: :mMMMh. :mMMMd- `hMMMm- -dMMMMMh. :NMMMMMs /NMMMd. +NMMMh:yMMMN+ /NMMMy:dMMMm/ `hMMMm- oMMMMMN: +MMMMMN: /NMMMd. `oNMMMNMMMNo` `oNMMMNMMMN+ `hMMMm- :NMMMMMo `sMMMMMm. /NMMMd. `yMMMMMMMy` `yMMMMMMMs` `hMMMm- .dMMMMMy` `hMMMMMd. /NMMMd. .hMMMMMd. -dMMMMMh. `hMMMm- `hMMMMMh` `hMMMMMh` /NMMMd. /NMMMN+ +NMMMN: `hMMMm- `hMMMMMh` `yMMMMMd. /NMMMd. .hMMMMMh. .dMMMMMy` `hMMMm- `hMMMMMh` sMMMMMm- /NMMMd. `sMMMMMMMy` `yMMMMMMMo` `hMMMm- .dMMMMMy` +MMMMMN/ /NMMMd. oNMMMNMMMNo` `oNMMMNMMMN+ `hMMMm- :NMMMMMo -mMMMMMs /NMMMd. /NMMMd:yMMMN/ /NMMMy/dMMMm: `hMMMm- oMMMMMN: `hMMMMMm- /NMMMd. :mMMMm: -dMMMm: -mMMMd- /mMMMd- `hMMMm- -dMMMMMh` /NMMMMMdo:` /NMMMd. .hMMMN+ :mMMMh..hMMMm: +NMMMy. `hMMMm- `:sdMMMMMN+ `hMMMMMMMNmy/.` /NMMMd. `yMMMNo` /NMMMhyMMMN+ `sMMMMs` `hMMMm- `./ymNMMMMMMMh. :mMMMMMMMMMMmho:`+NMMMd. `oNMMMy` `oNMMMMMMNo` .hMMMN+ `hMMMm:`-ohmMMMMMMMMMMm: +NMMMMMMNMMMMMNdmMMMMd. +NMMMd- `sMMMMMMy` :mMMMm: `hMMMNhdNMMMMNNMMMMMMNo` `sMMMMMMdosdNMMMMMMMMd. :mMMMm: .hMMMMh- /NMMMd- `hMMMMMMMMNds+hMMMMMMy` .yMMMMMMy-.:ohNMMMMMd. -dMMMN+ -dMMm: `oNMMMy. `hMMMMMNho:`.yMMMMMMy. .sNMMMMMd: `-sNMMMd. .hMMMNo` /mN/ `yMMMMs` `hMMMNo-` :hMMMMMNy. `oNMMMMMmo. -mMMMd.`sMMMMy` ++` -dMMMN+ `hMMMm- `+mMMMMMNs` `/mMMMMMMh/`-mMMMd-oNMMMd- :mMMMm/.hMMMm-`:hNMMMMMm+` -yNMMMMMNyoNMMMNdNMMMm: +NMMMmymMMMm+yNMMMMMNy- `+dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN+ LA5TS3C Was Here `sMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMd+` .omMMMMMMMMMMMMMNo` .yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmo. .omMMMMMMMMMMMy. -dMMMMMMMMMMMms- .+dNMMMMMMMMdo:.` `.-odMMMMMMMMNdo. `:ymMMMMMMMMNmho/-.` `.-/ohmNMMMMMMMMmy/` ./ymNMMMMMMMMMNmdhso/:--........--:/+sydmNMMMMMMMMMNmy/. `:odNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNds:. .:oydNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNmho:. `.-/oyhdmNNMMMMMMMMMMMMNNmmhyo/:.` `..--::////::--..`` _ ___ ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ | | / \ | __| |_ _|/ __| |__ / / __| | |__ | - | |__ \ | | \__ \ |_ \ | (__ |____||_|_| |___/ |_| |___/ |___/ \___| #---------------------------------------------------------[ Todays DOX! Jake! Doxing a LA5TS3C members friend with fake information and his address?]------------------------------------------------------------------# / _ \______________________/`/\+-/\'\'\ \_\(_)/_/ v1su4l was here <3 -+- -+-+- _//o\\_ \'\/+-\/`/`/ / \ \/-+--\/`/ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ | _ \ |__ / | _ \/ __| / \ | \| | | | | | | / | | \| || __| / \ | _/ |_ \ | /\__ \ | () | | . | |_ _| | |__ | | | . || _| | () | |_| |___/ |_|_\|___/ \__/ |_|\_| |_| |____| |_| |_|\_||_| \__/ #]--------------------#[ Lets start with the facts, shall we? ]--------------------# U53RN4ME'S: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [ Current Roblox account username : IMasterJakeI | Previous Roblox account username : KevinDestroyer2005 | See link [9] ] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [ Current Instagram account username : depressed_fucking_jake | Previous account usernames : depressed.suicidal.jake, ifake.friendsi, lfake.friendsl ] ________________________________________ [ Instagram account ID: 8476464328 ] _______________________________________________ [ Current Steam account username : Awipo12345 ] _______________________________________________ [ Facebook : Jake Boss | Link : See link [14] ] ____________________________________________________________________ [ Current Twitter username : @IMasterJakeI | Link : See link [10] ] ________________________________________ [ Current Doxbin account : Unknown6969 ] __________________________________________________________________ [ Current Discord account : Curse#8159 | ID : 755094629669535844 ] ___________________________________________ [ Old Gmail Account: Awipo12345@gmail.com ] __________________________________________ [ Currently using an unknown protonmail. ] B4CKGR0UND: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jake's "Identity" Online is typically very changing, he's typically very anonymous in the actions he takes. Although, he has made his fair few slip ups. And we have documented the majority of them. | | Jake loves to manipulate people, he's very good at it. He enjoys lying to people and acting as if he is the best thing to exist since lesbian porn, quite pathetic tbh. He pretends to be a hacker, | | but while in the middle of calling the 13 y/o he doxxed a fucking script kiddie, goes ahead and says he can't hack them because 'youre a hacker you can defend yourself from other hackers' what a fucking retard. | | Currently has in his Instagram bio about 13 y/o fucking minor he doxxed for no fucking reason "Keep spreading lies about me Jesse, keep ruining my friendships with those lies". Thing is about those 'lies', us | | members here at LA5TS3C have proof of all of them? While you claimed a minor watched child porn, an undefinable lie, we have proof of every little movement. Quite a fucking dissapointment he happens to be. | | Jake has a tendancy to lie about his looks alot. He calls these "identities". It's simply identity theft. He posed as a real girl from Florida named Myah Bond, her instagram: ook.myah . He did this in order | | to manipulate boys on the internet into dating him, 13 y/o he doxxed being one of them. Pretty fucking pathetic, fucking faggot lol. He also happens to ask twelve year olds for nudes, pretty fucking gay <3 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ WH4T TH3 C*NT D1D : +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This fucker is a freak, he's claiming he's 17 asking 12 year olds for nudes. who tf does that? Literally takes time out of his day to harass fucking 13 year olds, what a faggot. Goes around claiming he's tough | | shit, no you fucking cunt, you're a harmless fly who discovered a doxing website and fingerblasted a 13 y/o's info on it. Kid got the d0x removed but this fucking retard kept trying to repost, nerd gave up | | when he realised he's just a fucking retard. He gets nordvpn accounts off raidforums and assfucks them into people's Discord dm's. The fucking retard literally threatened to dm a girl from this kids school | | as if it was gonna do jack shit, cunt ur just an idiot. LA5TS3C member said if he doesn't cut it out he'd be paying his sister (info below) a visit and the fucker decided to try claim he meant rape. | | faggot proceeds to fucking make a new acc harrasing a 12 year old girl he had previously attempted dating and recieving nudes from to make V31L look like shit, threatening to rape his own sister while pretending | | to be someone else in an attempt to frame V31L. How do we know this was Jake, the retard himself? Way he was texting was the exact same as usual, he's also the only retard on the internet who makes the fucking | | username "Penisman69". U aint foolin anyone u dumbass. If ur gonna dox a fucking child, don't be such a fucking retard about it. Also manipulated that 13 y/o under the guise of "Myah Bond" for explicit images of | | himself with intent to use it as blackmail later. Luckily this kid "doesn't give a shit" and is fully aware distribution of child pornography is illegal asf. Jake ur a fucking clown <3 | | See link's [1] - [6] for proof. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ J4K3S D4TA: _______________________________________________________________________ [Real Name : Jake | Old Surname : Nordfang, adopted out of the family ] ____________________________________ [ Potential Real Firstname : Kevin ] ________________________________________________________________ [Suspected Address : De Boerbuitenweg 64, Paramaribo, Suriname ] ______________________________________________ [ Confirmed Location : Paramaribo, Suriname. ] ____________________________________________________________________________ [ Admitted age : 17, October 17 2003 | Suspected Age : 15, October 17 2005 ] _____________________ [Face : See Link [7] ] +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .-------. | L1NK5 | '-------' below screenshots aren't edited, how can you tell? You can't inspect element on mobile. [1] : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779936042668130304/779938373477335060/unknown-28.png | Penisman69 rape threat 1 [2] : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/779936042668130304/779938398684184586/image0-5.png | Penisman69 rape threat 2 [3] : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/779936042668130304/779938424265113610/image0-6.png | Penisman69 rape threat 3 [4] : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/779936042668130304/779938485930164284/image0-7.png | Penisman69 rape threat 4 [5] : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/779936042668130304/779938510500265984/image0-6.png | Jake asking a 12 y/o for explicit images [6] : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/779936042668130304/779938536643362877/image1.png | Jake asking a 12 y/o for explicit images 2 [7] : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/779936042668130304/779945510433325136/unknown.png | Jake's face. [9] : https://www.roblox.com/users/129655028/profile | Jake's roblox profile. [10] : https://www.roblox.com/users/129655028/profile | Jake's [11] : https://twitter.com/IMasterJakeI | Jake's twitter [12] : https://twitter.com/EVELYNNSAKALI | Aeesha's twitter [13] : https://doxbin.org/upload/PedophileKevinNordfang | V31L's original dox with incorrect info [14] : https://www.facebook.com/jake.boss.16121 | Jake's facebook, fake name. .-._ v1su4l w4s h3r3 _,-, `._`-._ _,-'_,' `._ `-._ _,-' _,' `._ `-._ __.-----.__ _,-' _,' `._ `#===""" """===#' _,' `._/) ._ _. (\_,' )*' **.__ __.** '*( # .==..__ "" "" __..==, # # `"._(_). .(_)_."' #
3 years ago
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