Okay so this asshole took advantage of, used, 
manipulated, degraded and hurt me for months, all whilst 
having a girlfriend that he was actively cheating on.
I had left him multiple times but he would always come back even if 
I told him to fuck off and stop harassing me. He’s made me send
nude pictures of myself and all that shit. I have a whole google document 
of a few screenshots of the nastiest shit and I even showed it to his 
girlfriend and she got pissy at me. Anyways let’s get into the real shit.

His online name: Zel
His real name: Aaron Ibarra
He lives in in Washington State
His mother: Jennifer Ibarra
His Discord Name and User ID: sunuzi_ (716725559987667048)
His vrchat username: Z3alous
His Roblox: 4Ds1c
His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009456449469
His Mother’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jibarra992
His TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ilovemygirl101percent?_t=8htw5Rakw2N&_r=1
This is his address, not sure if it’s exact but it’s the neighborhood 100%
- 908 e 65th St, Tacoma, WA 98404

Feel free to do whatever you want, if you do anything 
you should totally dm me on discord (.imboredbaka.) and show me
I’d also be willing to pay money depending on what you do/are able to do.
He made my life hell lmao