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 Full Name: Manahil Nomani
 Age: 16
 BOD: March 16th 2008
 Gender: Female
 Instagram: starzuzii
 Snapchat : starzuzii
 Discord: starzuzii
 Tiktok: starzuzii
 Height: 5'3
 Race: Arab
 Email Address: manahilnomani@gmail.com
 Car Number Plate: BVT85G 
 Car: Volkswagen

 Story Time: Hey guys today i'm here to talk about manahil, she's a control freak and a slut, she tries to sell herself to her friends siblings for money or drugs,
 she is a full time drug addict, she tries to act like she's the biggest and coolest bitch when she's nothing but a stupid slut, she has no point to life and is
 extremely disrespectful to her parents, i'm disappointed it came to this point where i had to do this, she has gotten multiple people jumped and even false claimed
 sexual assault to get attention and when boys reject her, she's a down right selfish person, she hits her siblings are parents, she speaks down on her closest friends
 and she has gotten them jumped herself, feel more than free to do anything with this information i have provided and feel free to do anything to her, she deserves
 what's come for her, she has leaked her old friends information multiple time, time has come to where this is unacceptable and down right disrespectful. 

 Country: Australia
 State: Sydney 
 Address: Unknown
 IP: Unknown
 School: Auburn All Girls State High

 [Parents] [Siblings]
 Father: Dead smoke on that niggas grave
 Mother: Helal Nomani 
 Age: 51
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092580078098
 Brother: Shahad Nomani
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fullofsophy


 No photos as we speak

 He dead
 No photos as we speak

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