description: A 20-year-old gold digger woman, who does nothing in life besides staying in the air conditioning in the comfort of her “grandfather’s” house, who is not even her real grandfather as he is a doctor who adopted her mother when she was just a child. Unfortunately, her mother got into drugs and currently traffics drugs for the ferro velho, a faction in Paraná, Brazil. In addition, she attracts gay and straight men to pay for drinks and buy gifts for her, being more interested in the purchasing power of men and some women. She also uses drugs and sell them and her life is a sadness. She lives in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil with the grandfather who adopted her when her mother fell into the world of drugs and trafficking. In addition, she likes to create intrigues among her classmates because she did not even complete high school and mocks others who do not have the same opportunity. In short, in general, she is a manipulative, gold-digging, lazy bitch difficult to deal with. tel:+55 44 9817-7967 (has whatsapp) country/city: BRAZIL/Paraná/Maringá address: street Pioneiro josé tel, 609 - jardim guapore, Maringá-PR postalcode: 87060240 instagram's: @ana.melonask, @block.poxa.melonask , @poxa.melonask,