║ Name/Nume: Lorena Marin ║ Age/Varsta: 18 years/ani ║ Highschool/Liceu: Liceul de Arte ”H. Darclée” Brăila - Domeniu Arhitectura ║ Location/Zona: 472 DN22B Braila aproape de Kaufland Dorobanti Braila ║ Mom/Mama: Florina Marin (Profesoara Matematica-Informatica Colegiul Național "Gheorghe M. Murgoci" Braila) ║ Dad/Tata: Leonard Marin ║ Sister/Sora: Marin Crina Raluca ║ Her Height/Inaltimea acestei copile: 1.65m 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 (Dmn she's a WOODEN HOE FROM MINECRAFT) RO: ║ A picat sala la carnetul de conducere anu trecut de 9 ori ║ A avut relatie cu un baiat Vlad din Bucuresti ║ Are o prietena cea mai buna Roxana Dobre pe facebook ║ A avut un leak pe discord cand sugea pula ║ Facea pregatire in Bucuresti la Arhitectura in 2023 ║ Parintii ei nu o suporta ca e emo ║ Are 2 conturi de insta: l0rena222, coitezemoase ambele pe privat ║ A avut memepage ║ Si-a luat bully de la niste tigani in tren asta-vara si a fost postat clipu pe TikTok dar a fost sters ║ Si-a luat bully in Mc ultima oara cand a iesit cu un baiat anu asta, el era emo si l-au luat unii la misto ca avea zgarda la gat EN: ║ She failed his driving license 9 times ║ She had a relationship with a boy Vlad from Bucharest ║ She has a best friend Roxana Dobre on Facebook ║ She had a leak on discord when he was sucking dick ║ She was studying Architecture in Bucharest in 2023 ║ Her parents can't stand her because she's emo ║ She has 2 insta accounts: l0rena222, both private ║ She had a meme page ║ She got bullied by some gypsies on the train this summer and was briefly posted on TikTok but was deleted ║ She got bullied in Mc the last time she went out with a boy this year, he was emo and some people took him as cool because he had a necklace around his neck. ║ Instagram: l0rena222 , coitezemoase ║ Soundcloud link: https://soundcloud.com/sushi-22-942007659 ║ Tiktok: @l0rena2222 ║ Discord: @l0rena222 | Discord User ID: 758680661141356566 (Hoe, you can't escape of US if your discord user id is here!) Photo of her street/Poza cu strada ei: https://imgur.com/a/iB5Kwz8 Photos of her and HER FAMILY: https://imgur.com/a/YCkTq2l • ƬΣXƬ BY: 963ЩΛY • MΛDΣ BY: EL TERROR DE BLACK ARROWS / EL TERROR DE STONEY BRIDGE ALL WE CAN TO SAY IS: EZ. UHMMMMMMMMMMM, Emo Romanian SLUT got HUMILLATED AND LACHITED ON DISCORD. AHAHAHHA EZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─██████████████─██████████████─██████████████─██████──────────██████─██████████████─████████──████████─ ─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░██──────────██░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░██──██░░░░██─ ─██░░██████░░██─██░░██████████─██████████░░██─██░░██──────────██░░██─██░░██████░░██─████░░██──██░░████─ ─██░░██──██░░██─██░░██─────────────────██░░██─██░░██──────────██░░██─██░░██──██░░██───██░░░░██░░░░██─── ─██░░██████░░██─██░░██████████─██████████░░██─██░░██──██████──██░░██─██░░██████░░██───████░░░░░░████─── ─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░██──██░░██──██░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─────████░░████───── ─██████████░░██─██░░██████░░██─██████████░░██─██░░██──██░░██──██░░██─██░░██████░░██───────██░░██─────── ─────────██░░██─██░░██──██░░██─────────██░░██─██░░██████░░██████░░██─██░░██──██░░██───────██░░██─────── ─██████████░░██─██░░██████░░██─██████████░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░██──██░░██───────██░░██─────── ─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░░░░░░░░░██─██░░██████░░██████░░██─██░░██──██░░██───────██░░██─────── ─██████████████─██████████████─██████████████─██████──██████──██████─██████──██████───────██████─────── ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────