Wally J Sellers is 34 years old and was born in April of 1990. Currently Wally lives at the address 1701 5th Corso, Unit 156, Nebraska City NE 68410. Wally has lived at this Nebraska City, NE address for about 5 years, after moving in around August of 2018. Wally previously lived at 611 5th Corso, Nebraska City NE 68410 for 2 years, starting in December of 2016. Going further back, starting in February of 2015, Wally lived at 601 4th Corso, Unit 5, Nebraska City NE 68410 for 5 years. Public records do not indicate that Wally J Sellers is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Wally: Emily Sellers(36), Melissa Surette(41), Sondra Sellers(74), Walt Sellers(76), Walt Sellers(74), Alexis Giittinger(20), Carter Giittinger(18), Christy Gillott(62), Corey Surette(42), James Surette(66) and Jonathon Giittinger(42). Wally's current phone number is (402) 873-7655. This Landline number was issued by 'Windstream Nebraska Inc', first reported in public records on March of 2021. Past phone numbers for Wally include (402) 873-6455, (402) 713-5305 and (402) 209-4080. The primary email address for Wally is wallysellers@yahoo.com. Wally has also used the following email accounts: baby_gurl@aol.com, baby_gurl@worldnet.att.net, baby_gurl@bolt.com, babygurl@bolt.com and babygurl3@bolt.com. Frequently Asked Questions How old is Wally J Sellers? Wally Sellers is 34 years old, and was born in April of 1990. Where does Wally Sellers live currently? Wally Sellers's current address is 1701 5th Corso, Unit 156, Nebraska City NE 68410. Wally has lived there for about 5 years, since August of 2018. Who is related to Wally Sellers? Wally Sellers is likely related to the following people: Emily Sellers, Melissa Surette, Sondra Sellers, Walt Sellers, Walt Sellers, Alexis Giittinger, Carter Giittinger, Christy Gillott, Corey Surette, James Surette, Jonathon Giittinger What is the best phone number for Wally Sellers? Wally Sellers's latest phone number is a landline at (402) 873-7655. What is the best email for Wally Sellers? wallysellers@yahoo.com is the most current email on record for Wally Sellers. Is Wally Sellers alive today? Yes! Wally Sellers is living today. Does Wally Sellers go by any other names or aliases? Wally Sellers may also go by the following names or aliases: Wally Sellers Who does Wally Sellers associate with? The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Wally Sellers: David Maybee, Heather Teten, Heather Teten, Melissa Hernandez, Natasha Borrego, Brittany Tyson, Jacob Thorne, Saless Mclaughlin Where did Wally Sellers live previously? Wally Sellers was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 611 5th Corso, Nebraska City NE 68410 | 601 4th Corso, Unit 5, Nebraska City NE 68410 | 1135 11th Corso, Nebraska City NE 68410 | 1213 Central Ave, Auburn NE 68305 What email addresses have been used by Wally Sellers? Wally Sellers has used the following email addresses: wallysellers@yahoo.com, baby_gurl@aol.com, baby_gurl@worldnet.att.net, baby_gurl@bolt.com, babygurl@bolt.com, babygurl3@bolt.com What phone numbers have been used by Wally Sellers? Wally Sellers has been registered with the following phone numbers: (402) 873-7655, (402) 873-6455, (402) 713-5305, (402) 209-4080 Is Wally Sellers associated wth any businesses? We do not show Wally Sellers associated with any business records