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Lex Legion Dox | Category Dox : Child Abuser | Term : Paedophilia
Evidence: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1175203959296753795/118573

What Does The Evidence Show? 

The User Trying To Open Up A Virus That They Thought Would Be Child 
Pornography When In Fact It Was Just A Virus. Notes Have Been Made On The 

Note: I Covered Up The Mega URL So Someone On Here Doesn't Search It Up And
Download It And Run It
The Person's Details
Name: Sebastian Borromeo
Age: 21
Country: Philippines
Region: Metro Manila
IPV6: 2406:2d40:9015:dd10:9518:bf25:b741:fb78
Person's Accounts
Facebook: borromeobasti3@gmail.com
Steam: purewhite70
Instagram: basti_0808
Instagram: b4st1_0822
Instagram: moonlight_sampaguita
Chess: BigDonut0822
Discord: jsborromeo
Person's Emails And Phone Numbers
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor             
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
RAM: 16.0
HWID: 61C976FD-8908-F811-A984-2CF05D861168
Drive     Free      Total     Use%      
C:\       311GB     446GB     30.2%     
D:\       424GB     931GB     54.4%  
SSID Connections
SSID                | PASSWORD
Polo                | borromeo71
Cooking stove (2)   | I don't know!
GlobeAtHome_12d28_5 | ge7KadZ7
shut up             | iloveyou
ragugelato          | 1guidicelli1
neigh               | meow2233
mimi                | iloveyou
iPhone              | danib123
cucumbussy          | 445703702c77
WiFi-B9E6           | 34737439
Victory             | @888!Hardworkpaysoff
PMGB01              | Amorsolo8c
PLDTHOMEFIBR_a18e78 | wlan5e7187
P600                | p00pbutt
Optus_416DC8_5GHz   | peterpan
Mandarin Lounge     | 
MOB                 | MOB0987654321
Lillian             | Lillians2022!
CORECS-Public       | wkrdaryhruq150k
Borromeo1           | 99626624
Angie               | 
AndroidAP0E1B       | basti123
ASUS-BORROMEO       | oliveb1971
ASUS                | 
<3                  | 
Person's Search History
new mega l3aks stuff - Link Redirect | Linkvertise
Young teen drops - Link Redirect | Linkvertise
Snapchat Leaks - Link Redirect | Linkvertise
new mega leaks stuff - Link Redirect | Linkvertise
About Dox
Nothing too much to say really. Bro just Shouldn't have been a paedophile
also do as much shit to get him done for what he has done.
About Lex Legion:
Lex Legion is something anyone can be a part of. Lex is Latin For Law and
as in todays day and age we understand the Law is Shit and people Get 
Away with crimes as serious as this and a lot else. we want to make a
change! each person at a time. but we can't do it alone. Lex is Also A
Name of the person who thought of creating this legion.
