Full Name: Kosta Mardihani
Phone Number: 69******9315 (Idk the rest)

Mother's Name: Athena ???
Father's Name: Achilleas Mardihani

Address 1: Alkionis 37 / Palaio Faliro
Address 2: Redestou 28 / Nikea

Address 3: 32 Rruga Him Kolli / Albania, Tirana
^^^^^^^^^ (Not confirmed)

Birthday: November 22 / 2007

Sister's Info:
  Name: Mary Mardihani
  Birthday: 15 April 2006

Social Media:
  Instagram: @listebotrapezes22
  Facebook: /profile.php?id=100077866802035
  Instagram: @maryy_mardih
  No FB

Reason: Has done terrible things to people
Including: Raping a girl, harassing people, getting unauthorised access to people's social media accounts.