name: William Harris

dads name/home owner: mathew harris

address: 26 jackie court aspandale gardens

grand parents address: 22 Mills Cres Port Fairy VIC 3284 (curently staying there atm for a week)

grandmas phone number: (03) 5568 2108

employment: Disability Support Pension (DSP) (he fakes being retarded for $1200 a fortnight

dead dogs name: Ben (smoking that ben pack)

His local brothel: 

Favourite sex act: getting high heeled and getting laughed at for having erectile disfunction

ways to troll him 
Local taxis in his area
-0405 509 078 / +61 405 509 078
-0432 025 175 / +61 432 025 175
-0498 780 908 / +61 498 780 908
Snake Catchers (tell them theres a big scary snake lol)
- Melbourne snake control. 0408 395 766 / +61 408 395 766
- Snake Catcher Victoria. 0408 067 062 / +61 408 067 062
- Danger Noodle Snake Removal. 0482 799 648 / +61 0482 799 648
reason for dox: Beats his mum/ drink driving/ Scamming disability support services/ raping the family dog