Basic Info:
Name - Breylend Edwin Taylor
Phone Number - +1 (805)-952-6447 (Twitter, Microsoft)
Email - (Github, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Amazon, Adobe)

Location Info:
Address - 521 N 6th St, Lompoc CA 93436
State - California
City - Lompoc

Social Info: - keystothegaming
Github - KeysToTheGaming
Instagram - cantguardbrey, keystothegaming, breytay13
Kick - keystothegaming
Minecraft - KeysToTheGaming (1479b92a-c55e-4ddd-821b-5ae0af6aa34b / 1479b92ac55e4ddd821b5ae0af6aa34b)
Roblox - KeysTTGaming
Skype - Live:.cid.7942b985d43316ce (Amber Flemmings)
Snapchat - cantguardbrey
TikTok - KeysToTheGaming, cantguardbrey
Twitter - keystothegamin1
Youtube - @KeysToTheGaming, @keystotheball949

Under the email "" there is a Skype account (listed above), which has the name Amber Flemmings. His phone number (listed above) is also under registered under the name Amber Flemmings, proving the connection between the alias and the name Amber Flemmings, presumably his mother.

He may undeniably deny the validity of this dox, but with your own research you can also find the information found to be correct.