Real name: Kennedy Millers
Age: 15
Birth date: August 1, 2006
Grade: 10
Country: Malaysia
IP address:, Brunei
House color: white with brown pastel on top of his balcony and roof top
Color of car: black
Favorite color(s): Black, white, blue, red, green, orange, and yellow
Gender: boy/bisexual
Name of his big sister: Karyn Millers (girl)
Name of his young middle sister: Katie Millers (girl)
Name of his young sister: Kandy Millers (girl)
Name of his mother: Karina McHenry
Name of his father: Kenry Millers
Roblox user: heart_piece241
Roblox pass: (He changed it)
TikTok account: heart0_0piece
Discord account: yourlocalhomie_08077,owoheartpiece241 & dizzy_lizzyavailable_49346
Yt channel: HeartPiece4lt
He has: Suicidal thoughts
Gadgets his using: Phone (He'll get an iPad when he is on g10)
His brand phone is: Infinix HOT play 30


Different meanings of his color(s) {aka as his emotion(s)}

1. Black: Sometimes feeling lonely, thinking about how to be happy with someone, and thinking how to hold a conservation.
2. White: Acting stupid, a little bit happy with some of his friends, and sometimes can't control anger issues.
3. Blue: Feeling sad when someone left him, acting okay with his friends, and can't control depression issues.
4. Red: Angry to toxic player(s), had enough controlling his anger issues, doesn't show mercy in real life.
5. Green: Happy around but in online, sometimes got disgust when he sees a pick me and an e-kitten, and he almost throw up when he sees two people are e-dating.
6. Orange: (His every emotion)
7. Yellow: Feeling being left out by some of his friends.


He's phobia(s) {aka fears}

1. Globophobia {aka fear of balloons}
2. Agraphobia {aka fear of sexual abuse}
3. Arachnophobia {aka fear of spider(s)}
4. Astraphobia {aka fear of thunders or lightning}
5. Agrizoophobia {aka fear of wild animal(s)}


^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^ This is his pt 2 !!