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 8, 8)                            ,adPPRg,
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8)  8)              ,ad8""        (8888888""
8,  8,          ,ad8""            d888""                          An order has been placed for you
We will fuck your ass and your family Zakhar...

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 8, `" ,ad8""            ,ad8""
    ,gPPR8b           ,ad8""
   dP:::::Yb      ,ad8""
   8):::::(8  ,ad8""
I should have fucked you less. Get it

Name Information:                                                                           █
                █   (-) Full Name: Kornilaev Zakhar Romanovich
Date of Birth:                                                                              █
                █   (-) 06/20/2008 | DD/MM/YYYY   
Gender:                                                                                     █
                █   (-) Male 
Address:                                                                                    █
                █   (-) Komi Republic, Syktyvkar, Malysheva street 11 , apartment 145.
the second address of the place of residence: 306 Tentyukovskaya Street, 2nd entrance, 5th floor
Phone Number:                                                            █
                █   (-) +79042020217
                    (-) Carrier: Tele2 
                    (-) Linked Accounts:                                                    █
                █           (-) vk.com                                                      █
                █           (-) discord.com          
Education:                                                                                  █
                █   (-) Name: Secondary school No. 25                                       █
                █       (-) Type: School                                                    █
                █       (-) Phone number: +7 (8212) 22-21-71
                █       (-) School Email: https://school25-syktyvkar.gosuslugi.ru/          █
                █       (-) Address: Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Malysheva str., 6.        █
                █       (-) School leader: Vakhnin Viktor Vasilyevich                       █
                █       (-) Website: https://school25-syktyvkar.gosuslugi.ru/?ysclid=lw18312lhc973309765

Aliases:                                                                                    █
                █   (-) Kartfloy                                                            █
                █   (-) trevas cskott                                                       █
                █   (-) sing                                                                █

                ((-) Vkontakte: https://vk.com/hhhqqqhhhx                                   █
                █  (-) Vkontakte OLD : https://vk.com/id342527023?from=search

Emails:                                                                                     █
                █   (-) zaharkornilaev4@gmail.com

░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                      __  __       _   _                                   █
                █                     |  \/  |     | | | |                                  █
                █                     | \  / | ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __                     █
                █                     | |\/| |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|                    █
                █                     | |  | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |                       █
                █                     |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|

Name Information:                                                                           █
                █   (-) Full Name: Svetlana Yurievna Abramkova
Passport:                                                                                   █
                █   (-) INN - 110113470599                                                  █
                █   (-) SNILS - 11216479324
Gender:                                                                                     █
                █   (-) Female   
Date of Birth:                                                                              █
                █   (-) 13.09.1983 | DD/MM/YYYY 
Phone Number:                                                                               █
                █   (-) 89042737601   
                    (-) Carrier: TELE2
                     (-) Linked Accounts:                                                   █
                █           (-) vk.com                                                      █
                █           (-) instagram.com                                               █
                █           (-) facebook.com                                                █
                █           (-) ok.ru                                                       █
                █           (-) Telegram                                                    █
                █           (-) Whatsapp                                                    █
                █           (-) Viber             
Emails:                                                                                     █
                █   (-) abramkova1983@mail.ru
                    (-) simon11ru@gmail.com
 Social Media Accounts:                                                                     █
                █   (-) https://vk.com/id165433096                                          █
                █   (-) telegram id: 1401186936                                             █
    ______    _   _                                    █
                █                       |  ____|  | | | |                                   █
                █                       | |__ __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __                      █
                █                       |  __/ _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|                     █
                █                       | | | (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |                        █
                █                       |_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|                        █
 Name Information:                                                                          █
                █   (-) Full Name: Kornilaev Roman Valerievich                              █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Passport:                                                                █
                █   (-) INN - 110101110680                                                  █
                █   (-) Passport: 584972
                    (-) passport series: 8702 
                    (-) Date of issue: Department of Internal Affairs of Syktyvkar          █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Gender:                                                                  █
                █   (-) Male                                                                █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Date of Birth:                                                           █
                █   (-) 03/03/1978 | DD/MM/YYYY                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Phone Number:                                                            █
                █   (-) 89121624626                                                         █
                █       (-) Carrier: Tele2                                                  █
                █       (-) Linked Accounts:                                                █
                █           (-) facebook.com                                                █
                █           (-) VTB                                                         █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Emails:                                                                  █
                █   (-) rokor1978@gmail.com                                                 █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Social Media Accounts:                                                   █
                █   (-) https://vk.com/id176571032                                          █
                █   (-) Full Name: Kornilaev Dmitry Valerievich
                           Phone Number:                                                    █
                █   (-) +79042705618                                                        █
                █       (-) Carrier: Tele2    
Date of Birth:                                                                              █
                █   (-) 08/05/1986 | DD/MM/YYYY  
TELEGRAM : 936205973