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So called Doxxer who quit “com” used his power to manipulate his friends lied on his friends and also doxxed his friends and black mailed them if they so called trash talked or dissed him he tried to swat his friends he ordered pizzas to some of his friends house and he’s a no life kid who sits on the computer all day and wants to be a doxxer.

Known as- Cora, kyo70,asylum, discord ID- 1046268842705424438
Josiah Antoine
Alias: Video Games, Discord
Lives in Brooklyn, New York

1167 Stanley Ave, APT 8H, Brooklyn, NY 11208-5037

Joi Gore
39 years old
Phone number- 347-743-0890
Relatives- Anthony Gore
Christopher Gore
Crystal Gore
Demetrice Gore
Michelle Gore
Nathan Gore
Vincent Gore
Carmen Gore
Desire Moore
Emails- 		gorej7@aol.com

John Antoine 
39 years old
172 Sutter Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11212-4605
Relatives- John Antoine
Mona Antoine
Tashara Antoine
Allison York
Andre Williams
Andrea Williams
Anslem Williams
Delisa Williams
Dwight Williams
Emails- 		medlaw36@msn.com
* 		medlaw36@gmail.com

This kid is a loser and a wannabe doxxer this kid has used fake websites like truth finder he doxxed friend and tried to be a so called main character in his school and is a pedophile when it comes to discord he is a weirdo and he has made people cut themselves etc.