LIST TO BE UPDATED AS MORE INFO IS PRESENTED This DOX is being performed because the user involved is a zoophile who has dragged people under the bus, manipulated others with their own lies, and spread information on their exes. No mercy is being given because they have been given many chances. Full Name: Joseph Pertell Pref Name: Jane Pertell DOB: Jan 26th, 2005 Phone Number: 407-504-9988 (Possibly changed as of 23/02/2024, will find new one) City: Clermont State: Florida Address: 15840 State Road 50 #52 Selfies: Selfies mirror Incase of Takedown: Discord ID: 272184412827811850 Occupations (Former/Current): Circle K Popeye's Mother's Name: Gwendolyn Pertell DOB: April 1st, 1971 Emails:,, Phone Number: 352-223-7099 Previous Address: 1290 N Ridge Blvd #813 Clermont, FL 34711 Occupations (Former/Current): South Lake HS in Groveland Florida Father's Name (Deceased): Michael Pertell Emails:,, Phone Number: 708-668-6803 Address: 1935 Crestridge Dr Clermont, FL 34711 FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF THE FAMILY: Name: Carolyn Hand Address: 1320 Deer Pointe Dr South Elgin, IL 60177 Relatives in residency: Sean Hand, (630) 336-2919 Name: Devon Hand Address: 1034 Spinnaker St Elgin, IL 60123