Dropped by: Nigga Corp
Reason for Dox: got friend to dox me 2 times and had miss
information on both doxes 
Personal Information:
Full Name: Jordan Henning
Race: White
Age: not sure around 19-21
Alias: RealJordanCS, JordanCS, JordanZHP, CripSoda,
AustinHemmer, or Horizon
Contact information:
Phone Number: 651-313-0438
Email: germanridas122@gmail.com, brvstealth@gmail.com
Location Information:
Address: 1167 South Robert Street APT# B-3
City: West Saint Paul
State: Minnesota 
Zip: 55118
Social Media Accounts:
Snapchat: xminnesotagamerx
Notes: spent $520 on a skeet invite purchased by aze and
was banned the second time he bought a sub lol. UID 7290.
all of this information was found easily dont let him tell
you any of this info is wrong because its not lol.