Portuguese-German QAnon supporter (according to her own statement, QAnon press spokesperson), conspiracy theorist and "QAnon and Reichsbürger Tiktok influencer". Incites hatred against the federal government and much more. (claims, for example, that the federal government is massively promoting p*dophilia). See https://blog.gwup.net/2022/11/18/video-hey-wolfi-ueber-die-schwurblerkoenigin-bei-tiktok-aka-malice-in-wqnderland/ Also calls herself Malice in wQnderland aka. ameninaveneno aka. Lügentrulla aka. Maggie Mushroom aka. Schwurbelmulle or Malice. Place of residence Dropout community in Andalusia, previously Beneficio. Currently Neustraße 90, 54290 Trier, Germany (unconfirmed; info probably spread by Johanna herself) according to http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://de.indymedia.org/node/341214 and https://x.com/luegentrulla/status/1759513673649766815?s=46&t=wJmqePorD8KMJJb3v8RTBA Attended Gauß Gymnasium (presumably Worms), Balthasar-Neumann Technikum (presumably Trier), Humboldt Gymnasium (presumably Trier), Trier University, Tanzschule im Park (presumably Worms). Was 22 years old on August 27, 2023 (date of birth unknown; cut-off date is from the creation of her Tipeee profile text). Social Media / links: https://linktr.ee/ameninaveneno https://www.threads.net/@ameninaveneno17 https://x.com/rebelsoulyah17 https://www.pinterest.de/ameninaveneno/_saved/ https://www.tiktok.com/@ameninaveneno17 https://www.instagram.com/ameninaveneno17 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg1XFnYNhJhNga37Xnx5CNQ/ https://opensea.io/RebelSOULYAH http://www.patreon.com/RebelSOULYAH https://en.tipeee.com/rebelsoulyah https://t.me/MemeMagic17 http://t.me/todaformadepoder https://gettr.com/user/ameninaveneno https://rumble.com/c/c-1534205 https://t.me/Apocalypse_NOW_start http://t.me/AmeninavenenoCanais http://t.me/WeAreQ2Q22 http://t.me/LeGrandReveil2Q22 http://t.me/EuSouQ http://t.me/QPlanoDeDeus http://t.me/somostodosQ http://t.me/AlvorecerDaNovaEra http://t.me/SoldadosDigitais http://t.me/ExpondoOsPEDOS https://open.spotify.com/user/31v5csboujhdirzeabgxbvsjilzu Telegram handle @ameninaveneno17 Owner of http://t.me/RebelSOULYAH , https://t.me/QAnon_Deutschland_Chat_Gruppe and https://t.me/seeQtheTruth17 Bank details from call for donations: Domingues IBAN DE12500700240112554100 Deutsche Bank BIC DEUTDEDBFRA Father (also an "Anon" according to Johanna): Arnd Jörg Wilhelm Himmeroeder from St. Augustin, Germany Currently Co-Managing Director (together with Axel Teige) at EURO-CAR Rhein-Sieg GmbH and ECP Euro-Car-Park Handelsgesellschaft mbH EURO-CAR Rhein-Sieg GmbH: - euro-car-rhein-sieg.de - Einsteinstrasse 15, 53757 Sankt Augustin - info@euro-car-rhein-sieg.de - Phone 02241 239060 - Fax 02241 2390620 - VAT ID no. DE813685339 - Registered at Siegburg Local Court under HRB8390 ECP Euro-Car-Park Handelsgesellschaft mbH: - Website euro-car-park.de dead => WayBackMachine - Extension to Arnd Tel. 02241 2390623 and ah@euro-car-park.de (mailbox still seems to exist according to email-checker.net, but no idea if it is still being checked) - Auf den Hähnen 28, 53773 Hennef - Phone 02241 2390614 - Fax 02241 2390620 - VAT ID no. DE811750332 - Registered at Siegburg Local Court under HRB4611