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So, not too long ago this narcissistic conquistador-rapebaby decided to shame a man on Shit Tok for being a "creep", when in fact, this half-human mannequin straight
from the darkest jungles of Guatemala herself would be lucky to get any kind of glance not out of pity or 2nd-hand embarrassment. Our guys decided to humble her a bit.
We wanted to let her know that it isn't wise to publicly shame an innocent man when you yourself are one giant l*tina info-brandisher (latinx marks the spot, fuck you).
It is quite annoying how often we see this nasty behavior with women, and not even a real apology was given. Maybe this'll keep the rest of them in line.

I doubt it, though.

Shitty drama for context: Look it up you faggot...
Name: Jessica Fernandez
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Twitch: Jessica49
Tik Tok: Jessica.Frndz
Email: Jessica49tv@gmail.com, Jessicafernan293@gmail.com (jessicafernan293@gmail.com was victim to the 2020 Twitter and Mathway info breach).
Address: 2616 S Parco Ave, Ontario, CA 91761 (lives with her mother, Luordes Fernandez).
Jobs: Her mother works as a Realtor at Re/Max (14760 Pipeline, CHINO HILLS, CA, 91709), while miss Jessica works as a fulltime streamer! Any parent would be proud. :')
Pets: A black cat named Cleo.
Trauma: She was neglected by her parent(s), obviously a fatherless attention-whore, penis envy, SDS (SL0PE Derangement Syndrome), and probably more.
+more info we refuse to release, sorry to moralfag loser.

Here's another funny thing we managed to dig up as well:


Jessica49 22/08/2016 05:49
I had a crush on Kevin

(Kevin is her little brother, lol)

Some women these days think they're worth more than they really are, and they face no real adversaries in life anymore, so it is good to humble them. Peace, Spaceniggers.

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Oh yeah and she fakes a British accent lol.