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 ~ Jacob is a harmless minecraft bedrock freak who resides around the hive community, after being literally created by sosa,
    jacob decided to leave /exon and join /filler to persue his love for sosas ex anniken. his favourite activity is simping
   for any e girl that he can get his grubby hands on, and honestly has tried it with the whole hive com. Jacob in the past, has 
    dated a 10 year old whos ign is Chickengirl8191 (ik guys big pedo) so honestly deserves anything that comes to him, he is a retard who has horrid
  opsec. jacob next time dont ditch ur friends for an e girl who doesnt even want you! jacob, aka nv5h or DevilDehhh is only known because of w1ao and is 
 also known for being made by the ign M1N and bgf. he was once one of the co owners of discord.gg/exon but he left to persue his discordian life in a server called filler,
 trying to edate a egirl called annikon, aka adore123456789 who is also known and made by M1N, bgf and pretty much every other girl in the server that he could get close with.
jacob is a begging anorexic bitch who makes girls download life360 because he has no other way of getting info because he just isnt about that discordia life.
he does this so he can stalk them and act "harmful" due to him being HARMLESS he tries to make friends and then later on snakes all of them for a egirl. going back to the life360 shit he continues to ask the girls
 he has on the app to keep their location and joined a vc earlier today (Thursday, 14th september 2023) saying to a girl he has on life360 "why are you hiding from me" and they had "rules" for the app too.


his "friends" who really never liked him becuase he is so fucking wierd (irl and discordia) didnt wanna make him upset by telling him he is wierd becuase he takes everything to heart and is a pussy and he gets mad easily. he is so anorexic 
and having no real friends irl just online its hella sad considering you call yourself popular on discord.com and also calling yourself known when ur just a random who was introduced to everyone by w1ao.

proof of claim to be a manipulator:

he also keep files and folders of his ex girlfriends and also has no respect for them by leaking their pictures for no reason


ps. lying about your name becuase you dont like it is crazy nigga..

his alias is jacob :)


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  ♦ Legal name: joris klimas
  ♦ Location: Lithuania 
  ♦ Gender: Male
  ♦ Height: 4'11
  ♦ Age: 16

  ♦ Date of birth: 13th august 2007
  ♦ Hair colour: blonde
  ♦ Eye colour: blue

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   ♦ Snapchat: joris.klimas
   ♦ Instagram: joris_klimas

   ♦ Discord: godl

   ♦ Duolingo: joris.klimas07@gmail.com  

   ♦ Xvids IS CRAZY BRO LOL: joris.klimas07@gmail.com  

   ♦ Tik tok: jqcob123

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  ♦ Country: Lithuania 
  ♦ Address: 8 d. poskos. vilnius vilnius county
  ♦ Picture of house: https://bit.ly/3Zmkwy3

  ♦ ip:, ISP: Telia Lietuva AB

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  ♦ Phone number: +370 665 23288

  ♦ Email: joris.klimas07@gmail.com

  ♦ Hashed password: $argon2id$v=19$m=1048576,t=4,p=1$bTBERkIyWWZkcGZkaGxlZA$RXrpyUB0HObYpr2wCMmI+gM8deGPfm4NMLop3SG9Ojk

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