Things she has done 
Or did: 

she catfishes, 
harasses her exs, 
grooms minors, 
fakes her suicides attempts,
 lies and manipulates to get her way, 
lies about her "brothers" (aren't real), 
harasses people who don't even bother her anymore,
 starts shit any day of the week, 
cheats on her s/o, creates alts to 
ruin her own relationship + 
shit on herself for attention. etc
twists shit around to 
get out of something if she gets caught, lies about her mental illnesses, 
"doxs" people who didn't do anything, falsely claims she's been r4ped 
8 times by the same guy (she wasn't)

Information of her 
Address + Name + Age + 
Family member & Number: 

Haleigh Nance. F 20 (March 2nd, 2004).
Daughter of Heather Rene Wittmeier Nance and Chris Nance.
Lives in Niceville, Florida.
109 Kailyn Ct.
Zip code 32578

insta: hales_3204

Phone number : (850) 533-9228