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A 29 year old male who believed to be chatting with a 15yr old, he sent 
multiple explicit pictures, below contains his info:
Personal Info:
Name 		- Einar Páll Þorvaldsson 
Age		- 29
Location 	- Reykjavik, Iceland
Facebook 	- https://www.facebook.com/einarpall11
Work 		- Musician (https://www.facebook.com/enarimusic/) , Life Guard (https://www.facebook.com/Reykjavik)
Education 	- https://www.fa.is/ (University)
		- https://reykjavik.is/en/austurbaejarskoli (High school)
Email		- thorvalds93@gmail.com
		- enarimusic@gmail.com
Spotify		- https://open.spotify.com/artist/0YDA88ieyYclFyxyWMy7B3
SnapChat	- w-weirdos (inactive)
Instagram	- https://www.instagram.com/einarphotography
                - https://www.instagram.com/thorvaldsmusic/
Tiktok		- https://www.tiktok.com/@thorvaldsmusic
DOB		- 6/10/1993	
Engaged To (in a relationship since November 2017):
    Name 	- Andrea Sól Marteinsdóttir
    Age		- ?
    Location	- Reykjavík, Iceland
    Facebook	- https://www.facebook.com/andreasolmarteinsd
    Work 	- MakeUp Artist (https://www.facebook.com/byandream)
    Education	- https://www.fsu.is/
    TikTok	- https://www.tiktok.com/@byandreamarteins
    Instagram   -https://www.instagram.com/byandreamarteins/
    Email       -byandream@gmail.com

    Name	- Stefán Arngrímsson
    Facebook	- https://www.facebook.com/stefan.arngrimsson.3
    Work        - Driver/Guide at Gateway To Iceland, Driver Guide at Soathcoast Adventure and Driver/Guide at GJ Travel Iceland

    Name	- Svandís Guðmundsdóttir
    Facebook	- https://facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015696308191

Family Extras (I Got Lazy)
    Facebooks   - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010448143673 (step brother)
                - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000040060973 (step brother)
                - https://www.facebook.com/RebekkaLion (step sister)
                - https://www.facebook.com/HannaCubcake (step sister)
                - https://www.facebook.com/sindri.rafn.3 (brother in law)
                - https://www.facebook.com/daniel.swiecicki.3 (soon to be brother in law)
Chat Log Included Below: