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She really had her stupid ass friends to dox him too corny ass Freshmans. :-=--- :--=-- :-:...:-: .-:....-: :.. .-: :-: ..- .-:::..... .:-: -:::-::-:::::::. .-:. .....:--: .--::. ......:: ::::::.............:::-::. :-...... ..:-=. :=-:.. .....:: ::::... ..::::. :-..... ..:-=: :==-:::.......::---:... ..::-=-:........::-==. -==-:::.:::----:.. .::---::.::::-===. . . . .+=======-:.. .::-=======: . . . . . -:.. ..:-: . . . . . :-:.. ..:-:. . . . . =::.. ..:= . .-:... ..:-- --:... ...:-= =-::.... ....:-= =-:::.... .:---:. :---:. ....:::-= :=-:::....:*@@@@@@@@@@* -@@@@@@@@@@#-....::::=- +--:::::#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@-::::--=. .=----:#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@-----=: . -=----%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.....#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+---=-. . . -=---#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@-:::::.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@=-===. . . . . :=--+@@@@@@@@@@@@@----:---:#@@@@@@@@@@@@#--== . . . ..=---=%@@%@@@@@*=------------+%@@@%%%@@+---=. . . +=-::---==-------::+@@@*---------=--------=: :+=---------------#@@@@@%---------------==- .+*+===----------%@*-+@%=:---------==+++. =*+*##%%*===-----:-------------===+%%##***- .-=====--::--+**%@++==--:::------------==++@%#*+=-::--====-: :=-::::......:::-=*- =*+=---:::::::-----=+*+. :*+-:::........::-=- . . .=:. .......:-=: .-+++=====-----=-===+*+= . .=-:...... .:=: . . . . .=:. .... ...:--. .=-==-=+=--==--+=-====: --:... .... .:=: . . :-:...... .::-. . -::. . . .. .::-. . :-::.. ......:-: . .:::. .::--: . . . .. ..... . . .=-::. .:::. . ::.. ..::-=: :=-::.....:: --::::--=: -=--::::-- :-====-. .======. https://doxbin.com/upload/LittleHo3deservesit They assumed this was from my homie. Just here to defend him why the fuck would he wanna waste time on yall lonely discordians. Whoever sees this bin get this bitch offline. /** * _..._ * .-'_..._''. * _________ _...._ .' .' '.\ . * /| /|\ |.' '-. / .' .'| * ___//__//__\ .'```'. '. . ' .' | * '--//--//---'\ | \ \ __ | | < | * ___//__//__ | | | |.:--.'. | | | | ____ * '--//--//---' | \ / ./ | \ |. ' | | \ .' * |/ |/ | |\`'-.-' .' `" __ | | \ '. .| |/ . * | | '-....-'` .'.''| | '. `._____.-'/| /\ \ * .' '. / / | |_ `-.______ / | | \ \ * '-----------' \ \._,\ '/ ` ' \ \ \ * `--' `" '------' '---' * _..._ * .-'_..._''. * .' .' '.\ . * _ _ / .' .'| * /\ \\ // .| . ' < | * `\\ //\\ // __ .' |_ | | | | * \`// \'/.:--.'. .' || | | | .'''-. * \| |// | \ |'--. .-'. ' | |/.'''. \ * ' `" __ | | | | \ '. .| / | | * .'.''| | | | '. `._____.-'/| | | | * / / | |_ | '.' `-.______ / | | | | * \ \._,\ '/ | / ` | '. | '. * `--' `" `'-' '---' '---' */ State - Ohio City - Reynoldsburg Street/zip - 1505 Rygate Dr 43068-2344 |https://ibb.co/M6j30Rr| Highschool - Reynoldsburg High School-Livingston Campus Name - Latsami Summer Ngamsanith Birthday - June 5th, 2008 Age - 15 Discord - geumge. ________ ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ __________ ________ `MMMMMMMb. 6MMMMb `MM( )M' `MM( )M' `MMMMMMMMM `MMMMMMMb. MM `Mb 8P Y8 `MM. d' `MM. d' MM \ MM `Mb MM MM 6M Mb `MM. d' `MM. d' MM MM MM MM MM MM MM `MM. d' `MM. d' MM , MM MM MM MM MM MM `MMd `MMd MMMMMMM MM MM MM MM MM MM dMM. dMM. MM ` MM MM MM MM MM MM d'`MM. d'`MM. MM MM MM MM MM YM M9 d' `MM. d' `MM. MM MM MM MM .M9 8b d8 d' `MM. d' `MM. MM / MM .M9 _MMMMMMM9' YMMMM9 _M(_ _)MM_ _M(_ _)MM_ _MMMMMMMMM _MMMMMMM9' ________ ____ ___ `MMMMMMMb.`MM( )M' MM `Mb `MM. d' MM MM `MM. d' MM .M9 `MM d' MMMMMMM( `MM' “Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful it happens in that order.” – David Gerrold MM `Mb MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM .M9 MM _MMMMMMM9' _MM_ ________ ____ ____ __________ ________ __________ ____ ____ __________ ________ `MMMMMMMb.`MM' 6MMMMbMMMMMMMMMM `MMMMMMMb. `MMMMMMMMM 6MMMMb\ 6MMMMb\`MMMMMMMMM `MMMMMMMb. MM `Mb MM 6M' / MM \ MM `Mb MM \ 6M' ` 6M' ` MM \ MM `Mb MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM YM. MM MM MM MM , YM. YM. MM , MM MM MM MM MM YMMMMb MM MM .M9 MMMMMMM YMMMMb YMMMMb MMMMMMM MM MM MM MM MM `Mb MM MMMMMMM9' MM ` `Mb `Mb MM ` MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM \M\ MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM \M\ MM MM MM MM MM MM MM .M9 MM L ,M9 MM MM \M\ MM / L ,M9 L ,M9 MM / MM .M9 _MMMMMMM9'_MM_MYMMMM9 _MM_ _MM_ \M\_MMMMMMMMM MYMMMM9 MYMMMM9 _MMMMMMMMM _MMMMMMM9'