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Reason of DOX : Raped a girl before, mentally abusive in his multiple past relationships, manipulated, gaslighted and guilt tripped his exes.
First and Last Name : Henry Zhang
Age : 16
Birthday : 6th of August 2007
Home Address : 23 Deaconsbrook Road
               G46 7UX
Socials : 
- Instagram : squat_zhang / zhang_130_h
- Tiktok : minizhang08 / https://www.tiktok.com/@minizhang08
- Facebook : Henry Zhang
Phone Number : +44 7828 666212
Country : Scotland
City/Town : Arden
School Address : The High School Of Glasgow
                 Glasgow, Scotland
- https://maps.apple.com/?address=637%20Crow%20Road,%20Glasgow,%20G13%201PL,%20Scotland&auid=4614915119849887960&ll=55.887479,-4.327487&lsp=9902&q=The%20High%20School%20Of%20Glasgow&t=m
Brother's Name & Socials : 
- Facebook : Ricky Zhang
- Instagram : rickyz_sb / ricky_zhang123 / ricky_zhanglifts