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|                    Table of Contents                    |
|                  0x01: Main Information                 |
|                  0x02: Photos                           | 
|                  0x02: Parents                          |
|                  0x04: Socials                          |
|                  0x05: Other & Reason of Dox            |

|                       0x01                       |
|                 Main Information                 |

➤ Full Name: Harvey Edwards

➤ Address: 58 Lambeth Walk, Stamford PE9 1BQ

   ➣ Picture of home (HLM): https://ibb.co/z2fpqSK

➤ Face (2024): https://ibb.co/njfD9m3

➤ School: Ryhall Road
           Great Casterton
           Rutland, England
           PE9 4AT

|                       0x02                       |
|                     Partents                     |

➤Parents Name: 
  ➣leanne edwards

➤Mothers Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/mahon12?igsh=MXdqaDB6emw0d25rOQ==   (Private)
  ➣Number: 07930182095
   ➣Adress:58 Lambeth Walk, Stamford PE9 1BQ

|                       0x03                       |
|                      Photos                      |

➤ https://ibb.co/ZMCznD9https://ibb.co/pdvdDLchttps://ibb.co/qsbGjzNhttps://ibb.co/6yZ2gqshttps://ibb.co/n7ZM0kJhttps://ibb.co/YjF9RF5https://ibb.co/02k135jhttps://ibb.co/RCtbQfKhttps://ibb.co/CtZZjm7https://ibb.co/YXMSBjThttps://ibb.co/hySZh4Whttps://ibb.co/hFMBp47https://ibb.co/wcTqrcjhttps://ibb.co/KbQpprhhttps://ibb.co/DwtDTK6https://ibb.co/XDF5HB0https://ibb.co/2n6ZkdFhttps://ibb.co/bHs5FnQhttps://ibb.co/rd2cnzx

|                       0x04                       |
|                      Socials                     |

➤ TikTok:
   ➣ Main TikTok Username: 
      ➾ @harveyedwards10
   ➣ Main TikTok Link:
      ➾ https://www.tiktok.com/@harveyedwards10


➤ Instagram:
   ➣ Instagram Username:
      ➾ harveyedwards10
   ➣ Instagram Link:https://www.instagram.com/harvey.edwardss?igsh=aDY2eXRxYW44b3g2

|                       0x05                       |
|               Other & Reason of Dox              |

➤ Other Information: This dox will be updated, as soon as we get new information about this person.
➤ Reason of Dox: Framing people for rape and manipulating the girl.

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