I ask for immediate action and attention. Two scoundrels are destroying the psyche of young girls via the Internet. They feel UNPUNANCED. Pedophiles, or criminals, are on the prowl and will not stop until we show them their place. Good day, my dears. A similar post has already been posted, but there were errors in the address, now everything is fine. Namely, we are talking here about probably sex offenders from Germany, recently from Poland. A 16-year-old son and a 46-year-old father catch their victims on the Snapchat platform. They send their genitals, encourage them to undress, masturbate and behave in a way that is harmful to their psyche. The son, Brajan B, mainly catches girls in the 12-15 age range, while the old scoundrel from the age of 15-17. Everything is shown on screens, how disgusting and horrible behavior is presented by Daniel B - an adult disgusting man, a pedophile, destroying the psyche of young girls on the Internet. They catch victims who are unaware of anything, probably working together. They persuade with money, wealth and then force them to do disgusting things on video chats. Everything has been documented. The old zwyrol defends himself that the police will not do anything to him because his phone is registered to someone else's number. We also have all the recordings in the gallery. 46-year-old Daniel B, absolutely does not mind the fact that he shows his disgusting dick to UNDERAGE girls on the Internet. Zwyrol has a nerve. He has a construction company in Germany, we are establishing the exact address, and he thinks that he is allowed to do anything. Fucking bastards. They deserve what their actions show - to be a son of a bitch and humiliated. Thank you for your attention. Such whores should go to hell.

kod pocztowy szubin : 89 200
22115 + ещё много - hamburg

Brajan Bachorski
birth date 03.09.2008, virgo
phone number +49 152 19101119
address poland:
kujawsko pomorskie, szubin, dworcowa 14/5 
daily address : Germany, EISMERG/FASANENWEG 
MAIL : brajan080@gmail.com
his school https://www.instagram.com/spot.tedjedynkaszubin?igsh=MXFqNnYxNTFxbDltNA==// 
School which he goes to now:
Europe schulle Poppenbüttel stieg Schulbergredder 38 Hamburg

snapchat b7_ajanp9 https://www.instagram.com/b7_ajanpl?igsh=MTIxdmJkODBpMnR2dg==


his insta now:

ex girlfriend https://www.instagram.com/agatachodak17?igsh=MW00bnk0ZnVkdmdodA==

his telegram +49 152 19101119 
tik tok https://www.tiktok.com/@b0_ahanp9?_t=8qlVOCtrALG&_r=1  @ @_.bachorskiii._2008?_t=8oxyzz8gycj&_r=1
whatsapp +49 152 19101119

old friend https://www.instagram.com/dawidk.99?igsh=c29nbm9iNXRyeHU4

his other close friends
 +49 176 36312642 - discord qt.arssam
+49 176 81457874

Brajan’s father - Daniel Bachorski
mail: danielhamburg321@op.pl 
age: 46 years old / born in 1979
nr tel +49 1521 7307727
address :  Germany, Hambung, Machandelstieg street
whatsapp +49 1521 7307727
snapchat : danielbhh


tik tok daniel.bachorski https://www.tiktok.com/@daniel.bachorski?_t=8oxrD9z64Fk&_r=1
instagram https://www.instagram.com/daniel020579?igsh=MXZmZ3ozdXF2ODE0bA==

aunt https://www.instagram.com/rrenixx?igsh=ZG13amJuc3YyZW9p
uncle https://www.instagram.com/jakktochce?igsh=aTFzYTNuY3BtOGk0
 uncle ttps://www.facebook.com/marek.bachorski.3
uncle https://www.instagram.com/marek.blaszak?igsh=bnVzdjFobDllMzJo

all evidence: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPKcpWISE/GNAnUO3aCI2P1c6AkNZQXg/view?utm_content=DAGPKcpWISE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor