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Created:Jun 22nd, 2024
Created by: werqfuck
Views: 392
Comments: 1
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^?. ^?. ^?: ^?. ^?. ^?. 7J^ › Name: Rozman Ilya Nikolaevich .Y5#BP5!. › Gewicht: 55-65kg :~7J55G##GGBBY^::^:.. › Geburtsdatum: 28.07.2008 .75PPP555P#BBBBBBGGGGPPPJ. › Age: 15 ~PGPJ??JYYYYYJJJ?YBBGGB&B7. › School: МОУ СОШ 9 .?BPY?!!!!!7???7!77!!5GBGJ: › vk: https://vk.com/vordy1 .JPG5Y5??J!!77!!77??!!77?J!7?^. 7!PGPYPYJ5???5J777?Y?!77JJ?YJ?: :7~GGG5TIMO5YY5PJJ??J577?JY5Y??. ^!!GXDUPBBGPPP5P5!!7??5Y7J?P5?7: ^~GBISTGPGPGPGP!!?JY5P?JJPY5^ ^~GALSG5Y7!!77!~!~:?PPYJ! ~GGBY?7!!!~~~~~~~?GPY~ ^7BP5Y?77!7!!!7JGBP~. :?PP5PGP555Y5GGG5~:^:.. .:JBBBBGGGBGPPY?~~~~^^^::::^. ^?5PNÄCHSTERGY7~~~~~^^^~~!~^^^. :YPPDRANPPGJ?J7~~~~~~!7???777:. 7YYP5J????7~!~?J???75Y?!^:77~^:. .J??Y5YYY?~^::^?!^~^^~^:::^J7^^:. !Y??J5Y57~~^^~77^^:^!777!^!7^^^:. ☆ Adresse: city / Pechora, street Bulgakova 17 :YYJ??YY7:^~^^^~!^^^!^^~!~~7~^^^:. ^YJYJJY5?!~^^^^~7~~~!~^^^^~7^^^^:~. › Region: Komi Republic !PJJYYY5J!~~~~7?7^^^^~~~~~!?^^^^:~. ?PJJJYPYJ7!!~~~^7^~~~~~~^^!?~~^::~. ☆ Phone: +79121848063 .Y5YJJYPY?!!!~~!7?!!!~^^^^^!?!~^:^^ :5YYYY55J?77!777?7~~~~~~^^~~J!^^^~:. 75YYY5G5YJ??77!!!7!!!!!!!!!~77~~~~.. .555Y5GP5J?77777?JJ777!!!!~~~!7!!7^:. ~G55PPGP5YJ?77777?7!!!!!~~~~~?!7J7^^. ☆ Familie: JGGGGBBGGP5YJJ??Y5?????????JYJ?JY7~:. 5GGPGB###GP55Y555#PYYYYYY555PPGB5!~^. › Father: Nikolay Rozman / photo: https://skrinshoter.ru/sQCi2XKAgL6?a !BGGGG##@&#BB#&@@B&@@@&G&&&&##BGPBG?J77~ › ok+vk: https://ok.ru/profile/184323903235 / https://vk.com/id13131773 .PGGGB#&@@@@&&#BGB&#GGGBBB###BGG#J!!7^ › Mother: name: Natalia Rozman / https://vk.com/id15315870 ^5BBGG##@@&&&@@@@#@&&&&G&####BBPGB5!J?~. › Sister: Rozman Kira Nikolaevna !BGGGG##@&#BB#&@@B&@@@&G&&&&##BGPBG?J77~ › Sister photo: 1. https://skr.sh/sQCbW7hqoYI ^GBBBB##@&#####&@&@@@@@#&&##BBBG5B&J?7!^. 2. https://skrinshoter.ru/sQC4h6pORuU?a :PGPB#&@&######&@@G?Y&@@&#####B5&&P5J7!: .5G5GGPP5555PPPPGG~ 5BBGPPP55YJJ!5PY7~ › vk sister: https://vk.com/way_soul0 ~GGJP5J!~~~^^~~~7. !J!!~~^^~~~~~Y?!7: !G5~YJ!!~~^^~~~! ~?!!~~^^~~~^^~JY7. .?^?J7!~~~~~~~~ ^7!~~~~~~~~^.~J: ~Y7!~~~~~~^~ ^7!~~~~~~~~: .J?!~~~~~~^~ ^7!~~~~~~~~. !J!~~~~~^^~ ^7!~~~~~~~^ .J7~~~~~^^^ ^7~~~~~~^~. 7J!~~~~^^^ ^7~~~~~^^^. :Y7~~~~^^^. ~7~~~~^^~: 7J!~~^^^^. !!~~~~^^~. :5J7!~~~^. !!!!~~~7! .YPYJ?J7^ ^?JJJY?J~ .Y5YPP5?: ^55PPY^7^ ^5Y777!7^ :Y??7!~~! 7Y?!~^~!: .J7~~~~~7. .JY7!~^^~^ .J7~~~^^!^ .JJ7!~^^~^ .J!~~~^^~^ ?Y?~~^^~^ :?~~~~^^~: ~Y?!~^^~^ :?~~~^^^~. .JJ!~^^~~ ^?~~~^^^^ ~Y7~~^~~ ^?~~^^^^. 7J!^^~~ ~7^^^^^: :J7^^~~ ~7^^^^^ 7J!^~!. ~7^^^~. ^5?~~!. !!^^~~ !5J7~!. 77^^~~ ?YJJ7!: 77^^~~. 7YJJJ7^ .?!^^~~. 7YYYJJ~ :7~^^^^. 7YYYYY7 ^7^^^^^. ?YYYYYJ:!!^^^^~. .J5YYYYY??!^^^~~: J55YYYYY7!!~~!!: ~GGPP55J!!!!!77. .55GGGGJ7J?JJJ^ . :^!!!7!~^.. He FUCKED. . . _____ _____ < `/ | > ( | _ _ | | |_) | |_) | | | \ | | | | | ______.______%_| |__________ _____ _/ \| | | < | ROZMAN | I L Y A | NIKOLAEVICH | | | |_____.-._________ ____/|___________| | | | | | 28.07.2008 | | 14.06.2024 | | | | | | _ < |__/ | / `--. | %| |% |/.%%| -< @%%% `\%`@| v |@@%@%% .%%%@@@|% | % @@@%%@%%%% _.%%%%%%@@@@@@%%_/%\_%@@%%@@@@@@@%%%%%%
3 months ago