____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:George-Croës Pedophile (staff plz don't remove)
Created:Apr 6th, 2024
Created by: ZsKKind
Views: 355
Comments: 2
Edited at: Jun 10th, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
▓█████▄ ▒█████ ▒██ ██▒ ██▓███ ▓█████ ▓█████▄ ▒█████ ██▓███ ██░ ██ ██▓ ██▓ ▓█████ ~staff this is my dox, don't remove it, the other one is in anonymous because i wasn't logged~ ▒██▀ ██▌▒██▒ ██▒▒▒ █ █ ▒░ ▓██░ ██▒▓█ ▀ ▒██▀ ██▌▒██▒ ██▒▓██░ ██▒▓██░ ██▒▓██▒▓██▒ ▓█ ▀ ░██ █▌▒██░ ██▒░░ █ ░ ▓██░ ██▓▒▒███ ░██ █▌▒██░ ██▒▓██░ ██▓▒▒██▀▀██░▒██▒▒██░ ▒███ ░▓█▄ ▌▒██ ██░ ░ █ █ ▒ ▒██▄█▓▒ ▒▒▓█ ▄ ░▓█▄ ▌▒██ ██░▒██▄█▓▒ ▒░▓█ ░██ ░██░▒██░ ▒▓█ ▄ ░▒████▓ ░ ████▓▒░▒██▒ ▒██▒ ▒██▒ ░ ░░▒████▒░▒████▓ ░ ████▓▒░▒██▒ ░ ░░▓█▒░██▓░██░░██████▒░▒████▒ ▒▒▓ ▒ ░ ▒░▒░▒░ ▒▒ ░ ░▓ ░ ▒▓▒░ ░ ░░░ ▒░ ░ ▒▒▓ ▒ ░ ▒░▒░▒░ ▒▓▒░ ░ ░ ▒ ░░▒░▒░▓ ░ ▒░▓ ░░░ ▒░ ░ ░ ▒ ▒ ░ ▒ ▒░ ░░ ░▒ ░ ░▒ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ▒ ░ ▒ ▒░ ░▒ ░ ▒ ░▒░ ░ ▒ ░░ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░░ ░ ░░ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ by ZsKind X 211 ╔═══╦═══════════════════════╦═══╦════════════════════════════════════════╦═════╗ ║░░░║ PERSONAL INFORMATION ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 211 ║ ╚═══╩═══════════════════════╩═══╩════════════════════════════════════════╩═════╝ - [+]Nom: George-Croës - [+]Prénom: Tao (chong ching chang) - [+]Full name : Tao Matthieu Stéphane George--Croes - [+] Possède son bac mention : Très Bien - [+] E-mail : tgeorgecroes@gmail.com - [+]Adresse: 59270, Merris, Hauts-de-France, Place de l'Eglise X Breenack Straete X Rue du Bailleul └─[+]Maison: La 1ere maison à la gauche du "Bistrot de Tonton" └─[+]Google Maps: https://www.google.fr/maps/@50.7156334,2.6614751,3a,65.5y,65.27h,90.99t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sDNt990Vvio306aETSKbyfw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i38?entry=ttu - [+]Date de naissance: 18/04/2005 └─ 18 avril 2005 └─ 18ans - [+]Sa tête de bite: https://imgur.com/a/KxNrCB5 └─ https://imgur.com/a/nLt7Sui - [+]Son Micropenis: https://imgur.com/2wATvZb [+] Phone : +33 07 67 93 66 01 [+] Formatted : 07 67 93 66 01 [+] Status : Valid [+] Country Code : +33 [+] Country : FR [+] Region : France [+] Timezone : Europe/Paris [+] Operator : Free Mobile [+] Type Number : Mobile ╔═══╦═══════════════════════╦═══╦════════════════════════════════════════╦═════╗ ║░░░║ Famille ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 211 ║ ╚═══╩═══════════════════════╩═══╩════════════════════════════════════════╩═════╝ [+]Nom du père: Jean-Philipe [+]Prénom du père: Fremaux [+]A étudié à: Lycée Saint-Ambroise Chambéry [+]Habite à: Chambéry [+]De: Lille [+]Études: Business Administration/Management à St. Ambroise University [+]Postaux: 73000 / 73018 [+]Nom du Grand-Père: Philipe [+]Prébom du Grand-Père: Fremaux [+]A étudié à: Institut diderot lille [+]Habite à: Lambersart [+]De: Lille [+]Travail chez: LYLY sac Maroquinerie # [+]Postaux: 59130 / 59350 ╔═══╦═══════════════════════╦═══╦════════════════════════════════════════╦═════╗ ║░░░║ email ║ + ║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║ 211 ║ ╚═══╩═══════════════════════╩═══╩════════════════════════════════════════╩═════╝ { "metadata": { "query": "tgeorgecroes@gmail.com", "timestamp": "2024-04-06T11:47:40.589Z" }, "data": { "member": { "google": { "photo": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/ALV-UjXxpTvU87PyEF1_nLxJ8ryU49kGn-vBsSrYKwt_IFX53h9s6-o", "id": "101313884910254849398", "last_update": "2024-03-23 23:11:46 (UTC)", "services": { "google_maps": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/101313884910254849398", "google_calendar": "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=101313884910254849398", "google_plus_archive": "https://web.archive.org/web/*/plus.google.com/101313884910254849398*" } }, "skype": { "photo": "https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:.cid.dac6d2347fa26215/public", "accounts": [ { "photo": "https://avatar.skype.com/v1/avatars/live:.cid.dac6d2347fa26215/public", "name": "Tao George-Croës", "id": "live:.cid.dac6d2347fa26215", "contact_type": "Skype4Consumer", "gender": "Unspecified" } ] }, "emailchecker": { "found": "2", "websites": [ "https://pinterest.com", "https://spotify.com" ] } } } }
9 months ago
9 months ago