(Note: The original paste has been removed when I was Anon so I don't know why it's been deleted)

GamingBro DOXXED!!

||||||||IP address:|||||||||

GamingBro's Information:
Name: Nameless just like all ANTIFA members (unless if his name is revealed)
Age: N/A (Could be a young adult)
Gender: Male (He keeps claiming he's some retarded non-binary POC)
Race: Most likely white
GamingBro's Relative:
Mom: Alive but is not known
Dad: Not known

There are no Discord bots on his server
and he's too stupid to get a VPN
so it's more likely to be GamingBro's IP address
|Him in real life (He can't show his face, unfortunately): https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4vNYYUuiqzI/maxresdefault.jpg
|YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR9wK8bY-lj42bgy11gHjdw
|Discord: GamingBro#3116 (Discord ID: 761744788806434856)
|His Discord Server: https://discord.gg/DEkabjV4

|Reason: What do you expect? He's a Chinese bootlicker from the United States


Continent:               North America +
Country:                 United States +
State:                  South Carolina +
City Location:        North Charleston +
Decimal:                     600081493 +
Postal:                          29415 +
ASN:                             15169 +
Area:                              843 +
Metro:                             519 +
ISP:                      Google Cloud +
Organization:             Google Cloud +
AS Number:          AS15169 Google LLC +
Type:                        Corporate +
Assignment:           Likely Static IP +

--------------OTHER DETAILS-------------

IP Weather Station:              North +
Sky:                   overcast clouds +
Temp: 8.8 ?C (max 9.4 ?C / min 8.0 ?C) +
Wind Speed:                    5.7 m/s +
Wind Direction:                  70.0? +
Humidity:                          87% +
Cloudiness:                        90% +
Atmospheric pressure:           1005 k +
Latitude: 32.8608  (32° 51′ 38.88″ N)  +
Longitude:-79.9746  (79° 58′ 28.56″ W) +