
**Reason for Dox **

This 22 year old goes after girls under the age of 18, publishes account details of his ex-girlfriends and shows no remorse at all


**Personal Information**

Full Name: Gabriel Zodl
Phone Number: +43 677 64605904
Email: benedikt.Fuchsgesicht@gmail.com
Alias: Bene, KekoIstKaka


**Location Information**

Address: Leystraße
Zip: 1020
City: Wien
Country: Österreich


**Social Media Accounts**

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/benef64/
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170159638
Discord: benef64
Discord friend who helps him: luuukkki (IP:


**Known Paswords**





Full Name: Aurelia Zodl
Email: aurelia.zodl@med.uni-muenchen.de 

She is studying medicine at the University of Munich and is easy to find on the Internet 
