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Degenerate incel that insults and threatens doxxing, booting, and whatever else he can come up with.
Known for being a loser and horny retard on Xbox and Discord, and will insult anybody for the sake of hiding
under his fragile ego and insecurities.
Has a constant need for attention and will do anything for said attention, whether it be cry for the
stupidity of himself or show said stupidly.
An overweight Mexican with cross eyes and a fucked up facial structure nearly as hard to look at
as Sloth from The Goonies.


Name: Gabriel Santiago

IP Address:

Age: 17

DOB: February 11th, 2007

Address: 770 Reservoir Ave

City: Cranston

State: Rhode Island

Zip Code: 02910

Possible Phone Number: 1 (401) 259-4720

Emails: theuwugoo@gmail.com / gabriel.santiago051@cpsed.net

Discord IDs: 1067151620107927552 / 721495945803595869

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ixkonami

Xbox GT: IXKonami / Creamisicle

He fucked with my friend. :)