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   - Gauthy likes to make people think his name isn't the one here, or same for his adress, which he sends to anyone, acting like he is not scared.
   - This is a full dox on gauthy, probably the most complete one.
   - I doxxed him because he has been leaking Ayesha PRE-TRANSITION pictures & videos and Chase PRE-TRANSITION pictures & videos aswell.
   - He has been scamming tons of people and still do to this day.
   - He also doxxed & swatted 3 people in our team, he's currently planning to swat the rest as 'he has all the info on us'.
   - He has also fucked his ex friend's computer because he wanted to get 'the last word'.

   - Adress: 69 Rue Huguerie, Bordeaux, France
   - Supposed picture of his appartment: https://i.postimg.cc/YSBQFcVs/owxowowo.jpg

   - Name: Gauthier Lefebvre
   - Height: 6'7
   - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gauthier_lfbvre
   - Twitter: https://twitter.com/gotlfb

   - Picture of him in 2021: https://i.postimg.cc/xC2n9HP8/108437164-102812614848749-4355627471570207116-n.jpg
   - Picture of him mid 2023: https://i.postimg.cc/ncN7dvY4/IMG-6585.jpg
   - Picture of his dog: https://i.postimg.cc/0jw5rJMv/IMG-1762.jpg

   - https://www.facebook.com/lucas.lefebvre.1272 <- Big Brother's Facebook
   - https://www.facebook.com/lenaic.lefebvre.9 <- Dad's Facebook
   - https://www.facebook.com/charlotte.lefebvre.796 <- Big Sister's Facebook

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