!!!!!! Bye bye FreshPhobic, bye bye to your channel! Why you bother emailing him and almost doxxing his/her email over just a takedown, besides you will get terminated anyway in later time because the ASMR roleplay community would also read your posts. ********************************************************************** POSSIBLE EMAILS OF FRESHPHOBIC #1: bigpeep64@gmail.com Name of the sender: Lfn (retarded mf is actually Auzerl/FreshPhobic) Address/Location: ********************************************************************** POSSIBLE EMAILS OF FRESHPHOBIC #2: k9969848@gmail.com Name of the sender: Christopher Duckworth Address/Location: ********************************************************************** SOCIALS OF FRESHPHOBIC: Twitter/X - https://x.com/FreshPhobic_ Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsFkNkldLbdaQdR3vfBN2cQ Discord tag (might be outdated) - freshphobic Actual email - ********************************************************************** OTHER NOTES: Proof of the reply (censored for now) - https://ibb.co/Jn8kbJF Videos SUPPOSED to be taken down, BUT forced to retract due to his threats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb6CrOmqUNg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLUV6GdSX_g Why the fuck your such an arrogant on ASMR community FreshPhobic, threatening some users through email, threatening ASMR listeners on the comments, and last of all threatening DTW/DTL's with your useless piece of shit proof in your videos. I believe your an troll trying to ruin some reputation on some VAs that already moved on from the past dramas and claims. And ASMR RP community if your reading this dox, this ISNT the only troll we ever encountered, as there are just many more elsewhere on YT and Twitter/X anyway. And BTW, these trolls are also the blame for why some ASMR RP videos get reported, taken down on terminated. ********************************************************************* Reason for dox: Revenge, in similar fashion on the Windows Vista content creator dox back 2020-21. Being such a retarded manchild going to after some VAs and even going on some listeners that are watching their audios in peace. END OF THE LINE. - UbuntuNewDev/arukaterul !!!!!!