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Now let's see who you are, let's get to know you better for what you really are, an anorexic shit child, useless dwarf to the universe reject of nature. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nome: Francesco ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cognome: Crisantemi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nome Padre : Salvatore (Crisantemi) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail : meowrik07@gmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anno: 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Altezza e Peso : 153 - 50kg (Anoressico Nanerottolo del cazzo) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scuola : 2 ISS Rogazionisti Desenzano Del Garda ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord : moneyaddicted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Discord ID : 189027702689366016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abitazione : Sirmione Del Garda ( BS ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Numero Di Telefono: +39 351 697 0294 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Telefono : IPhone 14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Username PC : John Doe ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Via Di Casa : Via S. Martino della Battaglia, 70, 25019 Sirmione BS, Italy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geolocalizzazione di Casa : 45.45866458795959, 10.614148612549187 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IP : Photo of this clown: https://gyazo.com/9afa46dc397755d5280d73875cef8a65