I'd like to share some information myself about this boy. He has unfortunately been using his fame online from social media such as: Twitter, Discord, YouTube and twitch. By using said platforms and fame, he has been reaching out to young girls by the age of 15-17 years of age, and would ask them for Nudes. Even flying then out in person to meet them. Frank has built a reputation for himself and has went into a new online life going by the username "Absenz" because of the girls speaking up and shining a light for us who would have never knew. He has started a business on Discord were he would steal bank cards for Argentinean families and sell them online for an overpriced amount of money, Frank has made over 100k dollars from scamming Young children for cheap items on xbox and fortnite with this method. He was previously known as "L2GTA" **FRANKS INFO** Name: Frank Gunderson Address: 164 Sycamore Lane, South Lebanon, OH 45065, USA Room mate - Nicholas F Corson Phone number: (513) 356-1486 Email: frankgunderson01@gmail.com Family Members: Joann Gunderson - 1256 Thorny Ridge Trl, Lebanon, OH 45036, USA (513) 254-3561 Lauren Burns - 6744 Sun Ridge Dr Waynesville, OH 45068, USA Picture of this waste of life human being: https://gyazo.com/2387f3ab74ccd00e063463df09fb9ae1 Proof of the man being a pedo: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12S_Aj26KKyncFXlM__uXRdZiw7kWlpwTdpR2K8XHZ90/edit#heading=h.v0noniivl55g