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Greetings! This is a man known as 'NebOn60FPS'. An 18/19yr old man who acts like a 14yr old sending his dick pics to minors. This is an old dox so don't expect all the information to be valid and correct. The original
dox did include a false age which has been corrected since. His real age is 18/19 and he thinks that because he has a YouTube with 2k subscribers, he thinks that gives him the right to have an ego so large he expected
me to not dox him. When I messaged him, he tried to pay someone to dox me and leaked all my shit! Ok Benjamin, time to teach you a lesson with lots of love <33. His ego is so large that be placed a house as his 
discord banner as said it was my house. Bro didnt even get my location right! Anyways, enjoy this old paste!
Name: Benjamin John Rutherford - THATS HIS REAL NAME LMAOOOO
Age: 18-19
Phone Number: (352) 652-9786
Nicknames/Alias: NebOn60FPS
Discord: NebOn60FPSYT#9466 DONT WORK ANYMORE :(
Address: 546 Waterfall Drive 
Area Code: 34608
City: Spring Hill
State: FL
Country: USA
Leaked Photos W/ Face:
1. Discord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/986363719401500712/997514612901691482/IMG_1627.jpg
2. Discord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/986363719401500712/997514613128175646/IMG_1623-1.jpg
3. Discord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/986363719401500712/997514613526638632/IMG_1621.jpg

Meme when he was 13 :))


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