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    Lying a lot, scamming, just generally being a asshole, dumping people, racist, sending disgusting things, betraying, unloyal

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    Discord: lucas5745 (775069551695888386)
    Instagram: viper_oidz, https://www.instagram.com/viper_oidz
    His brother's istagram: wollbergbottner, https://www.instagram.com/wollbergbottner
    His mom's instagram: annabottner, https://www.instagram.com/annabottner
    His grandpa's instagram: jannebottner, https://www.instagram.com/jannebottner
    One of his relative's instagram: bottner, https://www.instagram.com/bottner
    Tiktok: viperoid, https://www.tiktok.com/@viperoid
    Snapchat: lucas_gb156, https://www.snapchat.com/add/lucas_gb156?share_id=ffQVk8I27
    Phone number: +46 707 226 671
    Phone number w/o country code: 070 722 66 71

    Social Security Number (ssn): 090528-4097 (swedish ssn)
    Date of birth: 2009-05-28
    Name: Lucas
    Second name: Gestblom
    Last name: Bottner
    Residence: Sweden, Stockholm, Grödinge (vårsta), Gärdsmygen 16
    Zip code: 147 70
    Ip address:
    Short description: He has blue eyes, he has quite long and blondish hair, he's short for his age (160-165cm), he's 14 years old, he isn't the best looking guy, he has a lot of freckles and acne, he also dresses like a faggot

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