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Title:Fernando Little pedo by DIVINE
Created:Jun 1st, 2024
Created by: Eg0Kill3r
Views: 318
Comments: 0
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S*S S*S S*S. .S*S S*S S*S S*S S*S S*S S*S S*S S&S SSSbs_sdSSS S*S_sdSSS SSSbs_sdSSS SSSbs S*S S*S SSSbs_sdSSS S*S S*S S*S S*S SSS S*S S*S SSS YSSP~YSSY SSS~YSSY YSSP~YSSY YSSP S*S S*S YSSP~YSSY S*S SSS SP SP SP SP SP SP SP Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ Here we have a 29 year old pedophille called Fernando, he spends his days esexing little girls, he is a very very slow person so instead ║ ║ of trying to conversate with him I js got to work and this is all I could get, of course Im going to do more things with his info but ║ ║ that will be another day, ill update the dox when it happens. (worst opsec Ive ever seen) ║ ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ _____ ____ _____ ________ ___ _______ ____ ____ _ _________ _____ ___ ____ _____ |_ _||_ \|_ _||_ __ | .' `.|_ __ \ |_ \ / _| / \ | _ _ ||_ _|.' `.|_ \|_ _| | | | \ | | | |_ \_|/ .-. \ | |__) | | \/ | / _ \ |_/ | | \_| | | / .-. \ | \ | | | | | |\ \| | | _| | | | | | __ / | |\ /| | / ___ \ | | | | | | | | | |\ \| | _| |_ _| |_\ |_ _| |_ \ `-' /_| | \ \_ _| |_\/_| |_ _/ / \ \_ _| |_ _| |_\ `-' /_| |_\ |_ |_____||_____|\____||_____| `.___.'|____| |___||_____||_____||____| |____||_____| |_____|`.___.'|_____|\____| Name: Fernando Ernesto Aleman Age: 29 Date of birth: 2/7/1994 Picture of him: https://mega.nz/file/xKUFVLZQ#wwNX-orZJ5hQwsAQVcqM8xsewEYEJXAQAjrtEuDCCQo Picture of house: https://mega.nz/file/QWtgkA7a#6GqvxuWGLWMyOGqKjtbi0zXxIgMoggT2uytpUEBRTZs Address: 31 Lausanne Ave Apt 4, Daly City, CA 94014 House info: -3040 sqft -4 bathrooms -Year built: 2005 -Type: SingleFamily -Price: $1,722,926 -Taxes per year (2017): $13,258 -2 stories -APN 003391400 Near High Schools: -Jefferson High School -Public, 9-12 -1325 students (18 per teacher) -0.6mi away -6996 Mission St, Daly City, CA 94014 -https://www.juhsd.net/Domain/11 -Westmoor High School -Public, 9-12 -1396 students (21 per teacher) -1.8mi away -131 W.moor Ave, Daly City, CA 94015 -https://www.juhsd.net/Domain/10 -Oceana High School -Public, 9-12 -596 students (18 per teacher) -4.7mi away -401 Paloma Ave, Pacifica, CA 94044 -https://www.juhsd.net/Domain/9 Nearest Police Station: -Broadmoor Police Department -http://www.broadmoorpolice.com/ -+16507553840 -388 88th St, Daly City, CA 94015, Estados Unidos ----Interior---- Basement Information Basement Sq. Ft: 740 Basement Type: Unfinished Heating & Cooling Heating Type: Central Room Information # of Rooms: 8 ----Exterior---- Property Information Subdivision Name: VILLA LAUSANNE SUB Living Sq. Ft: 3,040 Ground Floor Sq. Ft: 1,730 Building Sq. Ft: 3,780 # of Stories: 2 Legal Description: LOT 9 VILLA LAUSANNE SUB RSM 132/100 Parking & Garage Information # of Parking Spaces: 3 Parking Type: Basement Garage Garage/Parking Sq. Ft: 740 Garage / Carport Type: Basement Lot Information # of Buildings: 1 Land Sq. Ft: 8,500 Legal Lot Number: 9 Acres: 0.1951 Front Footage: 100 County Use Description: 1 FAMILY RESIDENCE Phone number: +1 9165954057 Local phone number: 9165954057 COUNTRY CODE: US AREA/ZONE: California LATITUDE: 36.7014631 LONGITUDE: -118.755997 DORKS: Google Dorks: [GENERAL-DORKS]: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | https://www.google.com/search?q=inurl:%229165954057%22 | https://www.google.com/search?q=intext:(%229165954057%22) | https://www.google.com/search?q=intext:(%229165954057%22)filetype:txt | https://www.google.com/search?q=intext:(%229165954057%22)filetype:csv | https://www.google.com/search?q=intext:(%229165954057%22)filetype:pdf | https://www.google.com/search?q=intext:(%229165954057%22)filetype:doc | https://www.google.com/search?q=intext:(%229165954057%22)filetype:docx | https://www.google.com/search?q=intext:(%229165954057%22)filetype:log | 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